Look what that chicken did to my begonia! Compare this photo with the last photo on my last blog. She has not only eaten my flowers but is now scaring off the birds, so she can eat their seed.

So I went to the neighbor's this afternoon and asked if he would please come and get his chicken. He was very apologetic, but between the two of us chasing the thing around our back yard we were getting no where. He went to get his cousin to help. Well, with the three of us after her the chicken just squawked and flew up over the wall into the neighbor's yard behind us. But they have a big dog, so with another big squawk it quickly flew back again. Then we were off again. Finally it flew up into its owner's olive tree, so we abondoned the chase. I'm hoping the two men somehow got it down from there and caged it, but I'm not very optimistic. The saga of Henrietta will continue.
And here's something else that is not very welcome in my back yard. This is the third one I've seen so far. The first photo is rather blurred but I left it in the post so that you can see it's size. It was getting far too close to the patio door entrance for my taste!

Just look at the size of this thing!! I know they are supposed to be good for your garden but this is just too much of a good thing!

Tomorrow I will post some of the
good things I have found in my back yard this past week.