Not easy to do at all! But I did enjoy doing it. Since I took this photo 0f the painting, I did whiten and brighten the clouds and also brightened the blue sky.
Phew! At least it looks something like the original. It will be displayed in the new church that is being built right now. It is the Logan Memorial Church on the Island of Chuuk of the Federated States of Micronesia. For more details you can scroll back to Tuesday April 14th.
In the mean time I did take some breaks to sit out on the patio. This is an Anna's humming bird. We have quite a lot of them around here.
Then there were some cheeky and very noisy little wrens -- Mom and three juveniles I think.
I guess Abe Lincoln's blog need not worry about competitiion from me!!
And this little fellow is one of a family of about three, who live underneath our deck. he was keeping a close eye on me!
I think this will be my last blog until about June 12th. We are going on a cruise for our 50th Anniversary. The actual day is not until October, but because of our destination we did not want to wait until then. We will be going to Norway and traveling the fjords all the way up the coast, across the Arctic Circle and over the top of Norway until we can almost see into Russia. We might also get to meet one of our blogger friends there. Some of you may guess who, but I will not tell until we get back. We will have no access to computers as far as I know so I will have a lot of catching up to do. DON'T FORGET ME.