Monday, July 18, 2011

A IS FOR......

A IS FOR......


We had visitors last week.  Actually, Scruffy had visitors last week.  My son and his family came to see this new member of our household.  Fortunately they are great cat lovers.  Scruffy was obligingly friendly, though being picked up is not his favorite occupation.  He loves to sit beside  his friends and on their laps.  Anyway he was given the Good  Cat-keeping Seal of APPROVAL

A is also for Agapanthus

All over our beautiful town of Carlsbad right now there are agapanthus  (or agapantha. No, I think agapanthus is still the plural-  how much Latin can I be expected to remember?) blooming on just about every street and street corner.  First come the Jacaranda trees in May and June and then come the Agapanthus

This is a great shot of one getting ready to bloom-- thanks to Wikipedia

I photographed these today and the truth is I almost missed the best ones because I got a late start on this post.  The blooms that are all over town are really almost past their best, but what a wonderful show they have put on.
They are also known as the African Lily or Lily of the Nile.

We are now just beginning the ninth round and fourth year of   ABC WEDNESDAY.  Why not join us?
Click on the link to find how many of us jumping in to this fun project.
Our sincere thanks to Denise Nesbitt and her trusty team
who host this weekly Activity.


Wanda said...

Yeah, a brand new Round. I like how you started your new round.

I have one small "Lily of the Nile" in my back yard. Hopefully it will grow and multiply.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful A you have here and I really like the ZZZZZ below, i have a few photos of hubby like this and he took one of me on the bed that i thought of posting but never did, me asleep is not a pleasant sight. your new cat is beautiful

Autumn Leaves said...

Love the photo of your granddaughter and Scruffy, Chris!

Jane and Chris said...

Hmmmmm? Has Scruffy put on weight?
He looks adorable and so cuddly.
Jane x

kaybee said...

How many rounds of ABC Wednesday have you completed now,Chris? You are so brave to begin again! I am afraid of getting started and not being able to finish. Anyway, a great start for you. I love the Good Cat-Keeping Seal of Approval. I think you should design it, copyright it and market it!!

Dartford Warbler said...

What a patient cat!

Our Agapanthus are about to open their flowers. Beautiful plants.

Some years ago we visited the Scilly Island of Tresco ( off the Cornish coast) and found that the island lanes were all bordered with masses of flowering agapanthus, growing wild. An amazing sight!

MorningAJ said...

Scruffy is a very unfair name you kow. Gorgeous would be more accurate!

Elizabeth said...

Those Agapanthus are adorable, Chris.x

Roger Owen Green said...

nice flowers.
but a cat seal of APPROVAL. That's AMAZING!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

ChrisJ said...

AJ: I know 'Scruffy' is an unfair name, but MOTH had his doubts about getting another cat after our last experience and we wanted a different name from the ordinary 'Fluffy' which he had been called before. We also thought it should sound approximately in the same category as 'Fluffy' so he would recognize it. While we were in the shelter looking at him and trying to decide, MOTH suggested 'Scruffy' with a kind of tongue in cheek attempt at humor. I would have jumped at whatever Moth suggested as long as we took the cat home! (I also thought if MOTH named him there might develop a bond??)
Well I needn't have worried about the bonding! Scruffy prefers MOTH!!!

photowannabe said...

It seems overnight that all the Agapantha in our area are blooming like crazy. The blue/purple color is so pretty.
Love your good cat approval seal.

J.Rylie.C said...

Absolutely Amazing!

A is for Appreciation, your visit will be so much appreciated, thanks!

Gigi Ann said...

Awww what a cute picture of the granddaughter with her Arms full of the cute kitty. The flowers are lovely, can't say I ever saw any of them before.

Meryl said...

Your granddaughter looks lovely!!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Agapanthus grows well in Auckland.

jane said...

Love your cat - and the agapanthus - I don't have much luck with them in my garden - but like Dartford Warbler - I have seen them on the Scillies on Bryher - but they were pretty much over - but nonethe less on every spare ppatch og ground - there they were! Jane

Ingrid said...

Scruffy has a good taste such a friendly girl !

Beverley Baird said...

Now that is an armful of cat!
Great choices for A!

claude said...

Ah ! Nice post foor A Chris !
Beautiful photo of your granddaughter and Scruffy and pretty blue flowers.

Leslie: said...

Wow! Scruffy is more than AN ARMFUL - he's two ARMFULS!!! Lovely flowers, too.

abcw team

Kathy said...

Two great minds picked agapanthus!

Patty said...

Beautiful color of lavenders.

claude said...

No a sea horse in my sky, Chris, but the head of a dog.

Diane said...

Agapanthus is one of my favourite flowers. Mine have not done too well this year, but yours look lovely. xxxx

Anonymous said...

I like the pic of scruffy. I don't think I know this flower but may have it among the blue flowers here and there.

Morning's Minion said...

Agapanthus is one of those words I never get to use in a conversation--for some odd [definitely odd!] reason merely thinking the word sets up a repetition of the syllables in my head.