The city of Carlsbad is bounded by two lagoons. Buena Vista Lagoon on the north side and Agua Heidonda on the south side. Buena Vista Lagoon is a fresh water lagoon and Agua Heidonda is a salt water lagoon. Carlsbad is a beach city and the BV Lagoon is closed at the ocean end of it, which keeps it a fresh water lagoon. Agua Heidonda is open to the sea and is tidal to some degree. Both are exceptionally important ecological preserves with abundant bird life. Since I have posted some photos of Agua Heidonda previously, I decided to bring you up to speed on our other lagoon.
BV Lagoon is really a a large natural preserve in the midst of the city. Highway #5 passes very close by, to the east, on its way to either Los Angeles or San Diego. Pacific Coast Highway bounds it to the west. This is the old north- south highway 101 which existed before the freeway and follows the coastline down to San Diego. I has lots of beach spots on the way down. Highway #78 to Escondido bounds the lagoon on the north side.
It is amazing to me that in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of traffic and city life, all kinds of birds, from an occasional pink flamingo, white and brown pelicans to any number of ducks and water birds, are busily going about their business on, in and around this lagoon. This is a vital stopping off place for migrating birds.
In addition to traffic there are some beautiful homes and condominiums, several shopping plazas and strip malls, all within sight of the lagoon.
There are a few trails that wind through the sedges -- or bullrushes as I call them, and a couple of places to stop off and see what birds there are. You will always find a coot or two. There is also one small fishing area on the west side where you can cast a line and ignore the traffic whooshing past behind you. The Audubon Society maintains the Nature Center set on the north side, (which is actually in Oceanside). There are not as many trails as there used to be. The lagoon silts up and many many rushes grow thickly in it. It was once dredged about 15 years ago and it looked a sorry sight in my eyes, with just clumps of dirt islands. It looked like it had had a bad haircut. But I guess it has to happen every so often or the lagoon would just totally fill in.
School children come down to see the Nature Center which has some very interesting things in it. Then they borrow binoculars and creep quietly along a trail to see what birds they can see. This fluffy white stuff (above), is here and there along the trail. It looks like ideal material for nesting purposes. But what is it?
Well I told you there are bullrushes and here they are. Such fun to pull apart! They look like hot dogs and they are all furry seeds inside like a dandelion.
I don't know much about water fowl and I keep thinking I must come down here to learn to identify some. We live only a couple of minutes away. But somehow, even though we are retired, there doesn't seem to be much time to do that.
Just like the lakes around my house. On a good day I can see a plethora of birds, its very pretty. Make some time to go visit more often, you don't have to stay thre for long.
What an interesting post, Chris! I would love to visit there sometime when I am down your way!
Lovely - I am jealous - we are cold and windy - hard to even go for walks!!!!
This is so funny Chris....today we transferred our AAA Roadside service to our new location, and they gave us a tour book, and the first thing I saw was this place you have given us such great pictures!!!
Small World.
Nice place, Chris ! I like very much reeds. I planted some in the fish pond, mais till now any flowers. I have some false in a vase with cotton flowers I like very much too.
no need to comment everytime! I don't!
That would be nice to have two lagoons in your area. I wish we had something like that here but it gets very cold in the winter.
Thanks for visiting my blog in Brookville, Ohio where it is cold this morning – 13 degree Fahrenheit = -10.5555556 degree Celsius.
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