Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A is for .....

Abaco is one of the outer islands of the Bahamas

My son and his girlfriend just returned from there after a two week vacation -- and no, he is not the Barefoot 

Bandit, who was caught there about a week after they had left!  If you look at the top center of the map you will 

see the small island of Abaco.  The main 'town' on the island, Marsh Harbor, has ONE stop light.

 But more interesting than the map are these photographs:


(Sorry don't know why Blogger is leaving large spaces between my lines of typing above.  In addition when I type in the copy  the lines are doubling up on top of one another.) 


Sylvia K said...

What a great vacation in such a gorgeous place! Love your photos! Such fun! I love it! And what a great way to start Round 7! Enjoy the rest of your week!


Jenn said...

Oh wow... that is very clear water! Very pretty!

My ABC Wednesday is up HERE. Happy Wednesday!

Gayle said...

I can't believe how unbelievably clear that water is! Book me on the next flight, I'm ready!

Wanda said...

Oh Chris.... I think that is the most beautiful water, and the size of the sea shell is amazing!!!

You are right...that would be the life!!!

You have a handsome son, and his girlfriend is very pretty.

Nice start for ABC Wed.

signed...bkm said...

thank you for sharing I did not know of this island...looks wonderful..bkm

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, yes! That must be the life - what a great vacation spot - handsome people in the photos, as well!

Halie said...

The water is crystal clear.

it's a place that I would love to visit. Thank you so much for the information. A lovely post for the start of ABC Wednesday.


photowannabe said...

Beautiful water and magical looking place.

claude said...

Surely a pretty place to have good and nice vacation. One of our german friend already went to the Bahamas.
Lucy is a very pretty female cat.
Almost every morning our neighbor's cat comes in our garden. I took some pictures for my blog.

Mara said...

Oh, that looks like an awesome holiday. Well, I hope it was a holiday, since I coulnd't read anything apart from 'Now that's the life'!

Rune Eide said...

I'm awed and envious! We have now the kind of weather you encountered last year :-)

Autumn Leaves said...

Oh my! Just simply stunning beaches! Looks like they had a great time, Chris!!

mrsnesbitt said...

That water looks so inviting!

Roger Owen Green said...


ROG, ABC Wednesday team

snafu said...

What a beutiful place. Re your big spaces etc, Have a look at the Edit Html tab as opposed to the Compose tab. If you pre write it in a word processor, you may find some bits of spurious Html code in there that come from your word processor. You can edit these out but you need to be able to recognise which HTML code is for the picture and which is for the script, or you will lose the picture.

ChrisJ said...

Hi Snafu: Thanks for the info. I'm sure you're right. I did take a look at the HTML format, but there's such a lot of stuff there that might be spurious or might not, I didn't dare touch it since I know nothing about html. Hopefully my next post won't be like this. I know I was doing a lot of juggling around just to get the badge into jpeg form, so who knows what I did! Happy to have you visit my blog. I'll be over to see you this evening probably

Caroline said...

Looks like Heaven!

Mike's Travels said...

Oh my! I so wish I was there!! Beautiful :)