I did this as an ATC (3and 1/2 x 2and 1/2 inches.)
I purchased a packet of these cards pre-cut. They are bristol board. Sadly I am finding that most of them have some kind of pressure marks on them as though someone wrote on a piece of paper on top of the card, leaving an imprint. So where I wanted to leave a soft purplish grey in the background, the imprint has shown through. I used prisma colors, but I think if I had used water colors I could have smoothed out the background.
Visit Wanda's blog My Laundry Room Studio to see others' contributions
Your word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against You Psalm 119:11
This was one of the first verses I memorized when I was a teenager and hadn't been a Christian very long. Now more than 50 years later I realize how important this verse is for a Christian. We teach our children from a young age what is right and what is wrong. How do we know what God thinks is right or wrong? He is not standing there saying "No, No " all day long . To know what are God's standards of right and wrong we have to read and study the Bible because it is there that we find the consistent truths of right and wrong that God wants us to learn. This verse comes from Psalm 119 which is the longest Psalm in the Bible. Interestingly enough it is written in couplets, that is every two lines hold a complete thought. Yet even more interesting than that is the fact that every couplet tells us something about the Word of God. The Psalmist may use the words law, commandments, statutes, precepts, judgments, or testimonies but they all refer to the Word of God.
If we want to know how important God's Word is, we can try reading these couplets and see what David 's thoughts were -- all 176 of them!
Wise words, as always, Chris. I find myself at the restrictive connotations of those words you posted (with the exception of testimonies, of course). Funny...maybe part and parcel why I never feel good enough, why the constant self-flagellation... (Enter Dr. Freud??)
Anyway, that little painting is a delight! Sunny and cheerful, for sure!
I like the details of your sunflowers. Finding the "macro" setting on my camera has me looking at plants close-up. What a gift to be able to translate what you see into an art medium.
Chis, thanks again for joining the Art Challenge. Your rendition of Abe's photo is outstanding. Love the clarity of it. I have posted it on my Art Blog, and now we have three entries!
You will make Abe proud!!!
Your art is wonderful. It was this that made me attempt my own go at the yellow bird. Thank you for inspiring me to be artistic today.
I wish I could do something like that. My daughters can, but not I.
Like Wanda said, your painting of Abe's picture is outstanding! Good Job!
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