Tuesday, August 23, 2011

F IS FOR ...

F is for FLOWERS -- not a very original choice for F but I had a reason for choosing this word. There is a story to it:

I have a friend who calls herself Bunny.  She is a warm and sensitive person as well as being extremely capable, efficient and organized having held several jobs for high up authorities over the years.

Bunny started a group  in our church called Women in God's Service (WINGS).  The ladies in this group then proceeded to make themselves responsible for elderly and unwell ladies in our church who can no longer get out and about.  Each lady regularly visits two or three of the home-bound ones, checking on their welfare, their needs and just generally giving them encouragement by chatting and of course praying with them.

About two years ago, Bunny held a luncheon for all the WINGS ladies as a way of saying thank you for their support.  At this luncheon she gave each lady a small African Violet in a pot about 2" in diameter. I brought mine home and put this tiny plant on the side board because, although it had no flowers, the leaves were a pretty shade and organized in an attractive whorl.  I've done nothing with it over the two years except give it a drop or two of water when I think about. Really I expected it to die long ago.  I'm not very good with plants.

In May of this year, Bunny was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. What a blow this was for all of us to whom Bunny seemed invincible! Last month she entered hospice care.

That was when I noticed a tiny bud growing on Bunny's plant. Over the next couple of weeks the bud grew and opened into a tiny African Violet. Then two more buds appeared.  Today there are three blooms and another tiny bud growing on this miniature flower.

Every time I look at it I think of Bunny.  Now I'm not sentimental at all or given to fanciful ideas, but it seemed to me that this tiny plant putting forth its beautiful blooms was symbolic of Bunny.  She knows she is going to die and she doesn't have much longer.  She knows the Lord so she is not afraid and just like her plant she will bloom with beautiful new life with the Lord when she leaves us.

Here is Bunny's tiny African Violet -- a flower  with an indomitable spirit.

Pencil added to show the size

Three blooms

Can you see the fourth tiny bud just under the middle bloom?
Praise the Lord for Bunny.  Her work continues. And praise for He who is the resurrection and the life!

And now finally, two more of my paintings  done this month, of FLOWERS:
Bird of Paradise  (watercolor 5x7")

Day Lily  (Prisma colors 5x7")

For more entries to ABC Wednesday click on the link.  Thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt and her enterprising and hardworking crew, there are always many fascinating blog posts to illustrate the letter of the week.

Whoops!  Sorry forgot to post.


Roger Owen Green said...

sweet story
fine flora renderins, as well
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Jane and Chris said...

Will you give the African Violet to Bunny, to give her peace through her hospice days?
God bless the Bunnys in our lives.
Jane x

Chubskulit Rose said...

May God bless Bunny, the african violet is so pretty. Mine died unfortunately.

Cheryl said...

After my grandfather died, my grandmother gave me a Christmas cactus she's bought for him. It was young and had yet to bloom. She thought it was black thumb. I gave it "cactus" care. Over time, it finally bloomed. Every year on my grandfather's birthday in October.

I do believe there's something of Bunny in your African Violet. I'll keep you both in my prayers.

Tumblewords: said...

A beautiful tribute. Your watercolors are glorious.

Wanda said...

That's heartwarming Chris. What a wonderful ministry. One of my favorite ministries when we pastors in Hughson for 27 years, was visiting the elderly in our church. Some homebound, some in nursing homes.
Bunny was a special angle to these dear women. I love the name WINGS.

Your little African Violet is lovely, and so are your flower paintings.

photowannabe said...

Wings is such a perfect name for the group.
I'm glad Bunny knows the Lord and is safe riding on Eagles wings.
Beautiful story of your violet and all that it means.
Thanks for sharing such a touching story.

Hildred said...

A lovely but poignant post.

Unknown said...

I am praying for your friend Bunny right now. It sounds to me as she has lived her life absolutely beautifully! What a lovely woman. Saying prayers and sending love.

claude said...

Moving story about Bunny. I am very sorry.
Your african violets are very beautiful.
Your both painting too.

Shooting Parrots said...

Bunny seems a fine example of the human spirit. I like your Bird of Paradise painting -- a very dramatic flower that appeared in the most unexpected places in Africa.

jabblog said...

Lovely story! I hope Bunny's passing will be peaceful.
I gave my mother a Clivia which bloomed just once while she was alive - and she was very good with all living things. This plant is now in our conservatory and blooms at least twice a year - a reminder, if ever I needed one, of my mother.

Autumn Leaves said...

Your words so touched my heart, Chris. My dad passed away from lung cancer at the age of 47. I thank God there are women like Bunny in this world and I know she will be so very much missed.

Elizabeth said...

What a lovely way to think of your special friend, Chris. x

Kim, USA said...

Very tiny flowers and for sure Bunny is happy to see it bloom for you.


Unknown said...

What a beautiful story, Chris!
Thank you, HelenMac
ABC Team

Ingrid said...

Maybe it's not original, but you are the only one for me with flowers, lol !

Leslie: said...

What a lovely story to show how God works in mysterious ways. My best to you and I pray that the little plant will continue to thrive in memory of your friend Bunny.

abcw team

Carver said...

What a wonderful story. The photographs are beautiful and I love your paintings.

Liz Hinds said...

What a lovely story about what sounds to be a wonderful woman.

snafu said...

Funny things plants, they seem to be in contact with the dead. When my father died, a plant he had nurtured for years with no luck in seeing it bloom, blossomed a week or two after his death. When my first wife died, the followning spring, the garden was full of the most exceptional blooms I had ever seen. The same thing happened to my present Better Half, when her mother died all her pot plants bloomed for weeks, something they had never down whilst she was alive.