Tuesday, August 30, 2011

G is FOR


This gift came out of the blue.  A lady in my Bible Study saw this set in San Diego and said to herself, "This set looks like Chris Jones, and she should have it!"  So she bought it and gave it to me.  I'm not sure why it looks like me because I am not a pink roses and china kind of person, but it is very pretty and it was a very kind thought.  However it should be said that I have to drink my tea out of a china cup or it just doesn't taste the same.  But really after 50 years over here that's about the only thing of being British that remains, as far as I know.

This is a --  (Whoops! Forgot its name.  Happens all the time)-- which is unusual to me because it has a rich red color instead of the usual pink ones I see.  MOTH (Man Of The House) saw it and bought it for me as a small surprise gift because he was going away on another one of his world travels -- this time to Portugal, for a Conference of our churches from around the world.  This happens only once every 3 years. I used to be able to go on these exotic trips.  The last one I went to was at Hothorpe Hall in England  and it was spectacular.  A beautiful venue followed by a bus tour of some of the loveliest spots in England (we planned the itinerary) and a whole week of gorgeous weather -- the last they had in England that summer!


I think I am contradicting myself here.  I forgot about my weakness for British goodies, as you see above.  I went down to the British Foods Store yesterday and bought a packet of Maltesers, (malted milk balls but a much better tasting chocolate) a Crunchie bar, (it is chocolate covered cinder toffee) and then TWO of those wonderful Cadbury's Chocolate Flakes -- thin, thin chocolate, scrunched together to make like a chocolate log.  Mmm!  Only one left now and the other won't be around long. :)   In England you can buy an ice cream cone and they will stick one of these flakes in it and it is called a "Ninety-nine"  Not sure where the name came from, but who cares about the name? 

Today's entry for ABC WEDNESDAY.  Do click on the link and visit other participants.  You will be surprised how much you can learn  Thanks Mrs. N. and company!


Jane and Chris said...

I remember 99s with clotted cream on the top too (a holiday treat!).
The British items we can buy here are ridiculously expensive.
Jane x

MorningAJ said...

Yeah yeah. Only the tea thing is British. That's why you've got a photo of Flamborough on your blog, and a link to the RNLI, yeah yeah. I believe you! :)

snafu said...

Unfortunately Cadburys is no longer British, having been bought by Kraft foods, an American company. The only good thing was that it was not Hersheys, who also made a bid, I do not like that chocolate it tastes nothing like as yummy as Cadburys.

mrsnesbitt said...

And the rest Chris - yes these are things you remember now, but I would like to think that as you re-read these suggestions others will flood in. Flamborough - (WAVE) is just up the road hun - I always wave for you as we pass. Though usually my eyes are shut! lol Nothing to do with F.Head - just the concentration of hanging on to the motorbike! Hey this time next week we'll be somewhere near Paris!!!

photowannabe said...

What a thoughtful, lovely gift. It certainly looks very British.
I think you are right that tea tastes best in a china cup.
Sorry you have to miss the trip with your Hubby. I hope he takes lots of pictures.

kaybee said...

I could live without the tea set and the plant, but no fair posting about those yummy British goodies. Although we can get Maltesers and Crunchie bars here, and my favourite, Fry's Chocolate Cream. But yes, they are all very expensive here too, so they have to be a special once-in-a-while treat!

Kim, USA said...

Love love your goodies and gifts. ^_^


Autumn Leaves said...

What a gorgeous China set and such a thoughtful friend!

Martha said...

Love those British candies! But I've never tasted them. Now I will be on the lookout.

Roger Owen Green said...

i just saw on TV that chocolate is good for your heart, in moderation. seriously, like red wine.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Leslie: said...

I, too, think tea is best in a china cup or mug. I have a beautiful mug that I bought in Canterbury that I save for my tea. I always thought you lived in England (I guess because of your title) but now I realize you're much closer to me - just 3 states south of BC! Have a great week, Chris.

abcw team

Morning's Minion said...

The tea set is so pretty. I have some lovely china and wish that I made more of an occasion of my tea drinking.
I have dear friends who always made afternoon tea special--or so it seemed whenever I joined them. Perhaps it was more the fact that they actually sat at the table instead of rushing off, teacup in hand.

Gigi Ann said...

I drink my tea from a mug, but I don't think it is China. I love the tea set, very beautiful. And the Yummies look tasty for sure.

Thanks for your visit today.

Wanda said...

Having tea cups and pots to fill two hutches...I guess I would be delighted with your new set. I drink tea from a china cup also, and I'm not a speck British.

You goodies look wonderful, but I have given up fatty foods and desserts and sweets until I get my gall bladder issues resolved.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Such gorgeous gifts!

G is for Gorgeous Gladiola

Ingrid said...

I am a big tea drinker too and I am not English, while my friends in England prefer coffee, lol !
You are right when I was at the English coast this year I had wonderful weather end July while it was raining and cold here in Belgium.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful post. Everybody love gift.

Berowne said...

No question, gifts are always welcome.

Jose said...

My exotic trips usually consist of a drive to the market, ha ha. I can use a sugar rush right now, please send me some of those goodies.

jabblog said...

What lovely Gs. The tea set is very pretty - I always have to drink my (fruit) tea from a china cup/mug, too. Now I fancy a Crunchie and a Flake . . . the worms are biting;-)

Elizabeth said...
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Elizabeth said...

What a lovely gift, Chris, and I'm with you on the china cup thing. x