Thursday, February 28, 2008

What Have I Been Doing - Where Have I been?

I plan to answer these questions in the next couple of posts.

First of all, I mentioned my sister had been visiting us from Toronto, Canada, where they must have had ten foot of snow this winter.

Someone asked to see a more up-to-date-photo of us. Well this is us last Monday, at the Elephant Bar in Escondido, being bad girls.

How bad is that! We feel like we spent most of our time eating, but not just hot fudge sundaes.

Father and son, Glyn, (Welsh for Glen) were also there but were smart enough not to have their photos taken while they were eating their enormous desserts! At least Kay and I shared one!

We also spent some time sitting out on the patio. The sun did eventually come out after the first three days.

We also went to the Harbor, (Oceanside), and took a day out to the desert. Photos coming up soon.

1 comment:

Wanda said...

I love the picture of you and your sis. Also Father and son is nice. By the way, did you see that "stoned" elephant in the Elephant Bar???? Was he still stoned?