Tuesday, August 16, 2011

E is FOR....

I like the idea of elegance.  It can be applied to so many different kinds of things.  It also has quite a subjective quality to its definition.  So first of all I decided to write down what I thought of when I thought of something that is elegant:

Then I went to Google to see if they could give me any ideas and this is what came up:

Frederick Soulacroix - "Elegance of the Epoque"

By contrast, I found this painting by the same artist:  
This is called "In the Garden"
Which one do you think depicts ELEGANCE most effectively?

Since I know very little about the world of art, I decided to find out more about Soulacroix, but interestingly enough the information on the web was quite confusing.
 Frederick's father was also an artist.  However his name was Charles Joseph Frederick  Soulacroix.

This is a good example of why it is important to check one's sources when seeking information off the internet.   Frederick is listed as both an Italian painter and a French painter.  His death is listed at both1933 an1955, depending on where you are looking, and even some of his paintings are attributed to his father.  Since I am not  too knowledgeable about art and artists, you will have to do your own research or take your pick.

I must say I really liked the paintings I saw posted on various web sites.  They are nearly all of people of the late 19th century dressed in costly fabrics  and in a wealthy setting.  What fascinated me the most is the meticulous detail he has included in the settings of each painting.  Each piece of furniture, wall, or other accoutrements are exquisitely reproduced.  I would really like to see these paintings in the original in order to study just how he has produced these realistic details. The only negative thing I noticed, in my uneducated opinion, was that each lady's face has rather heavy features, with faces that are somewhat flat and unflattering straight noses.

This is my contribution to Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC Wednesday, which is in its ninth round.  Click on the link to see more intriguing contributions for the letter E.


Gigi Ann said...

They are both lovely paintings, but I think the first one is much more Elegant looking. The words describing Elegant describes the perfect man. hehehe

Roger Owen Green said...

elegant indeed. and good lesson about Internet sources
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

The Poet said...

I think they are both elegant in their own way, with the second one a bit more sassy.

I'm smiling at Gigi Ann's comment, because you're descriptions of "Elegance" sound just like me! (laugh)

Thanks for sharing.

Evening Wind

Leslie: said...

Maybe "elegance" like "beauty" is in the eye of the beholder. I think both pictures show elegance but in a subtly different way. Nice post, Chris!

abcw team

Hildred said...

I find the most endearing quality of elegance is simplicity.

Wanda said...

Both are lovey paintings... both dresses are elegant, but the second gal, does have a fisty look!!!

Tumblewords: said...

Sources sure aren't always reliable! Took me a long time to learn that, for sure. Elegant paintings, yes.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Elegant indeed!

Epcot's Spaceship Earth, please come and see.

MorningAJ said...

"tall, slim, graceful, tasteful, refined, simple, balanced, dignified". Hm. All the things I'm not.

ChrisJ said...

AJ: that's exactly what I thought -- about myself that is! ! :}

Mom Daughter Style said...

Very cute pictures!
Btw, I’m your latest follower, I hope you take a visit my blog if you have time.

Autumn Leaves said...

I think both paintings are beautiful and I hadn't heard of either artist either. I must say that I think the women's faces are gorgeous and I sure wouldn't mind looking like either of them!

Jane and Chris said...

The ladies seem more alluring than elegant!.
Jane x

Jose said...

I would say picture two depics elegance more than picture one. Picture one although still a long gown strikes me more as a sexy look.

Ingrid said...

With such a hat you could only go to royal weddings,lol !

photowannabe said...

I love your take on the letter E. Elegant women both of them but like some other commenters I find the second one more sassy. the first has a quiet demenor about her.

Jess PJ said...

Such artistic detail is always amazing to me. It takes so much time and attention. Two lovely paintings, but the first does seem a bit more elegant.

claude said...

What a very good post for E, Chris.
Both paintings are so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

What makes some people go for that kind of look while the majority prefer the taste of pastry?

jabblog said...

Although both paintings are appealing and attractive I wouldn't say that either of them depicts elegance. The first looks too self-conscious and the second too knowing, but then what do I know??

Patty said...

They are both lovely paintings, but to me the first one is elegant. The second one is lovely but the lady looks a little more worldly. LOL

Diane said...

I'm glad you liked my post on Thornbridge. I was listening to lots of conversations that ladies were having about their times at the college - they sounded like wild times!! We sadly couldn't get into the house as it is the family home. I'll have to visit again sometime though and I did take loads of other photos. xxxxx