I have been one since 1957 and I have taught in three countries: England, Canada and the U.S. Over the course of 55 years of teaching, I have taught every grade from K - 12. My last 35 years have been primarily teaching Junior High and High School (i.e. ages 12-18 years). I retired from full time teaching in 2002 but continued tutoring in math for another 5 years. In addition, I am still teaching an adult Bible Study class weekly. In 1991 I became principal of our school in addition to teaching four or five hours a day.
Moving into the Principal's office 1990
Working on the Yearbook 1991
Which grade did I like teaching best? Probably 10th and 11th because they really are more focused on learning.
What subjects did I like to teach the most? Of course, Bible. I truly LOVE teaching Bible, especially Bible History. I find it fascinating. But of the other subjects, I love teaching English literature, math (fractions) decimals.
Are students today worse than they used to be? Oh yes! Children are not restrained and not taught respect. This is the parents' fault, who in turn can lay the blame at the feet of today's culture which is the result of mass media which has been pushing the boundaries of decency and morality for decades. Parents, hold on to your standards no matter how unpopular it may make you. Your children will thank you when they have to hold down a job and have their own children. Believe me! Be fair but firm.
You may have other questions, but here's another piece of unasked for information. I believe one secret to better results in education (definitely not the only one), is to have separate classes for boys and girls from approximately 6th grade. It totally removes the peer pressure sensitivities...and surprise, surprise, the kids like it better.
We are now into the final run of this round of ABC WEDNESDAY, so ably adjudicated by Denise Nesbitt and Roger Owen Green. Please click HERE to take a look at other entries for the letter T. You will be entertained and maybe even educated.
We are now into the final run of this round of ABC WEDNESDAY, so ably adjudicated by Denise Nesbitt and Roger Owen Green. Please click HERE to take a look at other entries for the letter T. You will be entertained and maybe even educated.