I called this The Circle of Life.
Below is another mural I found in down town Carlsbad -- on the second floor this time. The down town area has some really interesting stores and malls. They are only a couple of blocks from the beach. The stores and buildings are unusual in architectural design, many are in boutique style, and are well worth a visit. The main area is about two block east of I-5 and a couple of blocks on either side of Carlsbad Village Drive, (old-timers call it 'Elm' !). Don't let the monstrous old Encina Power Plant on the ocean front color your impression of our town. It is due to be removed sometime soon -- sadly to be replaced by another one, which is supposed to be put in a more appropriate place and to be more aesthetically pleasing, but that is still in the hands of politicians and city government, I believe.
Thought you might like to see the close-up of that unusual cactus I posted the other day. It has either flowers or fruit. I've never seen one like this before. I have no idea what it is called.
** Today I took another look at that gardenia bush I posted the other day. The buds are just about to open. It looks like it is going to be be quite a display. Photo coming up .
** Bailey seems to be maintaining his weight loss. He is now entirely on diet food.
QUIZ ANSWERS (from the last post): Products of Northumberland UK....
1. Pheasants' feathers
2. Sheep's wool
3. Leeks ( usually associated with Wales)
4. Fish
P.S. There is no new news on Sylvia except that she is fading. I have not been able to see her because of my terrible cold and cough. I will see if she can have visitors tomorrow. Pray for Joe, her husband. He is having trouble accepting what is happening.