It's now four weeks since we had The Accident with our beautiful Toyota Camry. It had only 40, 000 miles on it and would have lasted us for ever.It took about three weeks to hassle through all the details of the insurance etc.
Then we looked around and wondered "What next?"
We would have been happy to go with another Toyota except for one thing...... I was one of those people who had had problems with the accelerator.
But that was back in 2005 and nobody believed me when I told them I knew exactly what I was doing and I hadn't confused the accelerator and the brake while parallel parking outside the church. I was so sure it wasn't my fault that I actually measured the distance between the accelerator pedal and the brake . Then I went in on the web to see if any other people had had problems with the accelerator. Of course, back then, there was nothing.
This was the scene that day:
Yes, the car went over the curb, across the grass verge, across the sidewalk , across another grass verge, knocked over a back flow water valve and through the wall of the church office which was flooded by the water valve breakage!
I don't want to benefit from other people's misfortune, but I was sure it wasn't my fault and no-one really believed me. ("Poor old soul. She's getting a bit doddery, you know." ) Ha!!! It's taken five years, but now some are actually saying "Wow! May be it WAS the car!"
Well, with all that in mind, we decided to buy a Honda CR-V. We took possession of it yesterday. It is an opal green -- sort of a light silvery green.
So 'H' is for Honda and HAH!
H is also for 'Heart". While I was getting my hair cut this week, I got into a discussion with the young man who cuts my hair. It left me somewhat disturbed because although I know that what he said is believed by thousands of people, especially the so-called educated and more enlightened ones, yet I cannot believe it. He said : "People in general are basically good and good-hearted aren't they?". So I asked him what about the man or men who killed Chelsea King and Amber Dubois, two young people so mercilessly raped and murdered in our area recently. His response was that this man was either mentally ill, carelessly raised or made bad decisions. But when one looks at the full scale of evil perpetrated in our world, just in my life time alone, through the Nazis, Saddham Hussein and his sons, unspeakable atrocities committed in various parts of the continent of Africa, and by other national leaders -- and to bring it closer to home, men and women in our own country and neighborhoods, how can we put all this down as just aberrations of nature? Evil, no matter how evil it is, is still evil.
Jesus said: "Out of the HEART proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, theft, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man." (Matt. 15:19). Evil will never go away until our hearts are changed. I confess that my heart is evil, but it is in the process of being changed by Jesus Christ and I will be completely changed when He comes again to do away with all the evil that there is.