I recently heard it put a little differently:
"WE are the reason for the season!" Of course that's true, because it was for us He came, for us He died, for us He gives eternal life, and this for all who believe.
Because of this we can sing of a blessed, happy and hopeful Christmas.

Christmas in the Nineties
Cars and people, slush and mud,
Puddles, splashes, rain and snow.
Noise and bustle, laughs and tears.
Christmas music, mistletoe.
Merchants worry, mothers anxious.
Children restless – time goes slow.
Frosty, Santa, Rudolph, Grinch,
TV specials –ice skate shows.
Wrapping paper, Christmas trees
Glasses filled with cheer o’erflow.
Gifts are opened, stomachs filled.
Where did such excitement go?
Where’s the wonder, peace and awe?
Where’s the time o’er which to pore
The mighty miracle of God made man;
The God-man given, life, death to span.
Mistaken jubilation,
His birth to celebrate
Without a thought of cost, rejection,
Spawning death and hate!
Christ’s mass, so sweet and merry –-
For Christ, penurious stall;
Inevitable step moves on
T’wards Herod’s Judgment Hall.
Rejoice! Ah yes, with reason!
Birth, death, are intertwined.
True Christmas celebration sings,
For Easter is behind.
Empty Christmas preparation
If all unknown His resurrection!
Copyright: Christine A. Jones 2007

This photo was taken in Kauai a couple of weeks ago -- a real live Poinsettia bush.