tour of beautiful England and Wales. Fortunately
the weather cooperated and we had a wonderful
week. It didn't rain once, not even in the Lake

Here we all are, some from Australia, Argentina, the
UK, Canada, Micronesia -- and a lot from Carlsbad,
On our first day out, we took the North Yorkshire
Moors steam train from Pickering to Goathland,
near Whitby, on the north east coast of Yorkshire.

I took these photos from out of the train window while
we were stopped at a station along the way. The
poppies were gorgeous -- and enormous.

This is Whitby Harbor with St. Hilda's Abbey
in the back ground. St. Hilda was born in 614 AD
and the abbey you see here was built about 500
years later. By the time of St. Hilda, there were
a good number of converts to Christianity in the
area and north of here.

Robin Hood's Bay - no cars allowed.At one time
all the people who lived in this tiny village were
smugglers.This road may look narrow but the
side 'roads' are narrow alley-ways only wide
enough for donkeys.

The next day was Sunday, so we traveled down to
Cliff College in Derbyshire, a Methodist Training
College for evangelists, where Barry preached on
"I am the Good Shepherd".
This place has special significance for Barry and I
because this is where we met in 1957 and lived
there for a year, from 1964-65. In addition, it
was through the ministry of the Cliff students who
came to my home town of Bridlington to conduct
beach missions, that I became a Christian and
understood the full significance of what it means
to have my sins forgiven.
So of course we had to have our photographs taken
in the Samuel Chadwick Memorial Chapel!
Our next stop was Chatsworth House, said to be
the place on which Jane Austen based her description
of Pemberley in her novel "Pride and Prejudice".
It was a beautiful day and many many people were
picnicking in the extensive grounds and gardens among
waterfalls, fountains and lakes.

There was even a small orchestra playing, as you
can see from this photo.
On our way out to Cliff College and Chatsworth we
passed the twisted spire of the Chesterfield Cathedral;
twisted because it was made out of wood and warped!
Our next stop was the Lake District where we took a
boat across Lake Windemere to Bowness. Then
some of us visited Dove Cottage, where William
Wordsworth lived with his sister. This is the Wordsworth
of "Daffodils" fame. I think every school child in Britain
was exposed to this at one time or other:
"I wandered lonely as a cloud...."
Too late for daffodils, but plenty of rhododendrons
and other beautiful flowers as well as scenery.

This is taking a long time to resize and post the photos
-- not to mention choosing which ones to post.
Will have to continue tomorrow with Chester, North
Wales, the Cotswolds and Oxford.
I am loving this trip...thanks for taking me along. The pictures are wonderful, and I love the little church!!!
Blessing on you!!!
Oh, now I have an urge to travel thru Britain!! How beautiful!
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