Last week when we were there it was cloudy and windy and we missed this sight. Dozens of swallows wheeling around and in nests under the leaves.
I had to just keep clicking the camera without looking because they move so fast. Took about ten shots and this was the best I came up with.

They told us at the center that the swallows had been there since March 21 and some of the babies were about to fly. There were dozens of them .

Then as I was leaving I saw these pretty blue flowers, like double Bachelor's Buttons. I couldn't get a close -up because my battery was about dead. But as I stood there a rabbit scampered past into the bushes. It was only 4:00 in the afternoon and the traffic beside the center was roaring by, but this wetlands area is quite large and full of wild life. You can see the lagoon and beyond it is Highway 5 and then the ocean which is lost in the gray. The yellow on the hills is wild mustard and can be seen everywhere all over the hills in and around Carlsbad.

And this is Bear, the dog I really went to visit. Isn't she beautiful?
So sweet natured. This photo shows more of her size.

But this shows her sweet face. What a doll! Doesn't she look like a bear? One of the ladies at the center is fostering her because her owners have been posted abroad for a while. So I don't know how long she will be there. I will have to go and visit again soon.
Gosh, Chris, this dog looks like a bear just as you suggested. I don't think I have ever seen such a close resemblance before.
Nice post. I enjoyed reading the whole thing.
Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio
What a beautiful place in which to live, Chris! So many awesome sights. Do you remember the Rouge River? It has become a kind of conservation area, with lots of wildlife. Last year, we walked under a bridge spanning a dried up area of the river, and there were thousands of swallows, with their nests in the crevices of the bridge structure -- what a sight to behold! A shame I didn't have my camera with me -- I must get into the habit of carrying it at all times!
Awesome pictorial Chris. I like the first picture, it looks like the bird crashed into the sign. lol Why would they name a place "Stinky Water" even if it stinks. lol
These were cool shots...loved them all~~ and that dog, Bear ~~ she is so beautiful, and truly looks like a bear.
Thanks for all your comments.
Jose, when we first moved here 35 years ago and the kids were not even in school yet, when we drove past this lagoon we used to call it "the smelly lagoon" and we didn't even know its proper name. It doesn't even smell any more, but it certainly used to! Next time I go I will ask them why it used to smell.
I love her face - but beautiful??? Not so sure - definitely intelligent!!!
Very interesting about Carlsbad seen in connection with my posts and your comment!
Hello ! The last tow years a couple of shallows made a nesk in my husband's garage. But unfortunately, we left home for a few days and he closed his door...
and they were some eggs in it.
we had snow this morning...no accumulation, just cold enough for the precip to fall as snow...but soon.....yes very soon....we will have daffodils...YAY!!!
I love the new photos! :)
I can't believe all those swallow nests! Fantastic shots. I guess there is safety in numbers. And companionship. Nothing worse than being a mom all alone!
What a great looking dog- and waht a great name!!
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