The beach was crowded. It has been a perfect summer's weekend. The water was 74 degrees and in the evening even more people came to see the sunset. In Carlsbad, like many other beach communities on the West Coast, every evening people make a special trip to the beach to watch the sunset.

You can see people were still out in the water swimming and surfing. For us, we still have another five or six weeks of summer weather, but for the kids it's back to school.

Behind us, the summer storm clouds over the mountains turned a beautiful pink. But the storms rarely get past the mountains at this time of the year.
Hope you had a happy Labor Day Weekend!
Chris these shots are marvelous...
With your permission, I will use them for my Sky Watch Friday this week.
Wish I had been there!
Oh, well - Right now that is where I wish I were. We have the same weather we had when you arrived here.
Chris your first photo is a keeper. Really special!
Looks like you had a lovely week-end. Beautiful sunset. Schools here started on Aug. 20th.
Your sunsets are beautiful! I have trees and houses obstructing my view of sunsets here. I would have to drive a distance to see one.
Wow! Awesome skies! Incredible photos!
I like the colors you got in these photos. They are very nice.
We used old catalog pages for our toilet paper during the war. Sears and Roebuck mailed out new ones each year. You could go into anybody's outside privy and do your business while reading or looking at the catalog. Remember the bag of lime? And the tin can in it.
that's what we need - to be able to watch the sunset over the ocean! We get some pretty ones here - not many trees to obscure the view on the prairies.....last night's was we are going to be hot (like summer should have been)
Me again: Thank you for the comment! Since you have been here you know that the climate where I live is about the same as on the coast of Scotland - Sheltand is about due west. I'm not terribly fond of snow, but we don't get too much around here.
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