So we weary travelers, from sunny and warm Hawaii, having arisen at 4:30 a.m.and arriving home safely at 6:00 p.m..... and what did we find?....

The furnace was not working! But being the world travelers that we are, and used to privations, we put another comforter on the bed and slept through the night.
We put on extra jackets and continued through the next day until the furnace man came tonight. Just a simple thing -- but it worked. Keeping our fingers' crossed, we now have a happy furnace and a happy family.
Bailey was so happy to see me, he was up and at the cage door when he heard my voice before I arrived in the CAT ROOM in the kennels. He has a little cold and cough, but seems to be eating well and doing everything else well, so we will just keep an eye on him for a few days. He soon found a warm place to sleep, (hey, the temperature outside was 57 !) But this cat who in the 6 years we have owned him never climbed up on the furniture before, discovered that it was warmer on the chair than on the floor.
So now it's on to Christmas preparations. I know, I know, many of you are almost done, but this is my strategy. In addition, we don't have as much family to prepare for as many of you do.
Soon I will post my newest ATC's done while at the islands, so keep watching.
Welcome back, Chris, if that isn't a daft thing to write when I'm thousands of miles across the Atlantic from you! LOL
COLD in San Diego??? You must be kidding :-)
But I have seen that you have had a fine tour. Such things last a long time after one gets home.
welcome home - we are having our first MAJOR snow storm today - the kind of day when you either curl up with a good book and Christmas music or bake!!! Since I have Samantha here (totally walking and mobile and into everything) probably won't be sitting and reading!! But the Christmas music still works!
I am glad that you are home and have your furnace working again. We are to get 2 inches of snow tomorrow and tomorrow we will be decorating the church for Christmas.
Have a wonderful weekend1
Welcome back! We love to go like on a quick trip to California or and overnight trip to Sedona and we love to go away but ahhhhh there is no feeling like coming home.
Welcome Chris !
The first time we go to Martinique tropical Island, my husband did not want to keep the heating working. We left Martinique where the temperature was very hot and when we came back home it was very cold here and in the house. Two days were necessary to my Chéri and I so that our bodies get the good temperature.
ahh welcome home and yes it's been cold. Here in the Inland Empire I just came in from having coffee on the front porch and it was 42.
Re your latest comment: We got -40 degrees C later in the winter...
That is one lovely looking cat and doing what they do so well.
Glad you got home safe and sound and while a few dollars closer to utter poverty, much happier now that your furnace works.
We got 19 degrees F this morning.
Hi ChrisJ! I saw from your comment on Estorbo's blog that Bailey is sick ... I'm sending him some healing purrs to help him get well soon ...
I hope Bailey's cold is better--surely cats are very sensitive to a different environemnt. Several years ago we went away for a few days in March and returned to find the heat had been off for several days. Our grandson had been in and in attempting to turn up the thermostat had turned it off. A cold house is no kind of welcome home! I think that our grandparents likely stayed home to keep things warm all winter.
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