Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Cooper's Hawk Painting

I wasn't going to post this as I really wasn't satisfied with him but I'd promised Wanda at Wanda's Art Challenge that I would paint him and send him over to her.  But Crusty Crone left a comment on Wanda's blog about my hawk, which Wanda posted. So I silenced my self critical complaints and here he is:

So shall I tell you why I wasn't satisfied with him or let you figure it out for yourself?

Oh well. here goes:
1.  His head isn't wide enough in proportion to the rest of him
2.  The wing is too wide and doesn't look as if it is sitting flat against him.
3.  The tail is too wide in proportion to the rest of him.

I do like his head, his eye and the spots on his breast, but I'm so picky! I am rarely satisfied with what I paint. I have thoughts of trying to correct him this weekend, but this is water color and I may just ruin him.  It's either that or doing him over and I hate doing things over.  Also, I have Wanda's plate of figs waiting to be done and some other still life pieces Sandy has contributed.

Thank you Crusty Crone for the encouragement.  I wouldn't have posted him if you hadn't said something.

Then too, I must visit the shelter tomorrow and Saturday.  Poor Sterling is all alone and was so pleased to see me today.  I promised to go back again tomorrow.  All his room mates have been adopted!  And he looks at me with those big yellow eyes as I get ready to leave the room, that seem to say "Are you going to leave me here all alone? Take me with you, p..l..e..a..s..e..."

Tomorrow I will beg the powers that be to put another friend in there for him.

 P.S.   For cat lovers everywhere... please visit my sister's blog 
You won't be disappointed  it's hilarious!


jabblog said...

How can you resist that pleading look? I hope he has some new friends soon, poor boy.

Autumn Leaves said...

Poor Sterling; I think he is one handsome cat. Anyway, I'm rarely satisfied with my pieces, Chris. Most of the time, I can't tell what is off, just that something is. I think the expression on this hawk's face is perfection!

MorningAJ said...

Don't try to change the hawk painting. It's lovely as it is. If you're really unhappy with it, start again. But I think you're being overly critical! Give yourself a bit of praise. His eye's magnificent! Very scary.

snafu said...

Very hawkish. The eye is just right. I agree with MorningAJ.
Rossini's Miau Miau Maiau is good too. Very good version.

Wanda said...

I agree with Crusty ~~ you hawk has the eye of a bird of prey which he is....I don't think any of us captured that!!!

We are our own worst critics... I guess we should all lighten up, since our paintings aren't buying the groceries or paying the rent. Ha Ha Ha.

Morning's Minion said...

Although not an artist, I am one of those who has to "fix" things to suit, ripping out a seam in a quilt block, sometimes fraying the fabric with too much handling in getting it "just right."
It seems to me that painting the detail of birds' feathers must take a very delicate touch and a keen eye. I like your hawk--the set of the wing may not be quite natural but the bird as a whole is very pleasing.
Thank you for putting the update about the shelter cats on my blog. I'm so glad for the cats who have been adopted, but the plight of "Silver" is sad. You are made of stronger stuff than I--he'd have to come home with me!

claude said...

Hi Chris !
I agree with Wanda about your hawk'seye.
Poor Sterling ! He looks so sad.
I just watched the video on your sister's blog. Right funny !

photowannabe said...

I'm so glad you posted the hawk. Its great and has lots of character.
Seems we are always more critical of our own work. Its hard for me to post some of my photos. I'm always sure people won't understand or like them.
Hope you had a great weekend.