Monday, May 27, 2013


I am hoping to join Creative Tuesday on a regular basis from now on.  Every two weeks a topic is given and we who like to think we are creative post our interpretation of the theme.  This week's theme is, 
Being a bit of a sugar freak this topic was right up my street, so here is my rendition of one of my favorite candies, Reese's Peanut butter cups.  Mmmm!

Please visit CREATIVE TUESDAYS at this LINK to see what others have submitted for their interpretation of candy.


Wanda said...

Oh goodie...I'm so glad you are going to join us at CT. I love your "sweet" entry. You picked a candy I really like too.

I'll be posting mine next Monday.

Christine said...

Great job with the Reese's candy! Welcome to CT!

claude said...

Hi Chris.
I will come back tomorrow.

jabblog said...

Very tempting - they look freshly-baked.

kaybee said...

..and I am sure you had them right there in front of you...a perfect still-life study for your art. But perhaps they weren't there for very long?! ! I love Reece's Pieces!

Abigail Davidson said...

Great interpretation. Welcome to Creative Tuesdays!

Alan Burnett said...

It looks good enough to eat.

claude said...

Over hear we eat peanuts with a drink.
Front and back of your new home are very beautiful.

photowannabe said...

One of my favorites.
Happy to see you back at your computer and being "Creative"

TwinkleToes2day said...

Visiting from Creative Tuesdays - Ooh, yummy. These look as tasty as I remember them :0)

linda (dots n doodles) said...

These look so yummy, although I am not aware of Reese's (being in the UK) is that chocolate?

sandy said...

cute and yummy sketch.

Teri said...

Welcome to CT. This is one of my favorite candies also. You did a great job on it.
Thanks for the visit and your kind words. So happy I helped inspire you.

lissa said...

one of my sometimes favorite sweet treat. nice drawing.

hope you have a sweet day.

Michael said...

I think these may well be my favourite sweets too actually, Chris. I want to eat your drawing. Love it. Yum. And, ooh, you might actually join us each time around? Wonderful! Welcome aboard.

P.S. I had a hard time finding your post as it was rather buried with the newer ones above so am going to change your link in the sign up to come straight here. Easier that way for all and you'll be sure to get the visitors that way too.

Joni Nickrent said...

SWEET! Loving your beautiful sketch for CANDY! Yummy in every way!