Thursday, June 13, 2013


A few weeks ago I joined Creative Tuesday.  Every two weeks we are given a prompt. Last time the topic was sweets.  This time the topic is ALPHABET.  This was not difficult for me because I had already started doing a few of these.  So I did a few more.  I will continue to finish the alphabet, but in the mean time here some of what I have done -- some I like better than others. I'd like to think I will improve on them as I progress.

To see more Creative Tuesday interpretations please visit HERE.  Perhaps you would like to join us.


Joni Nickrent said...

Loving your wonderful alphabet! So colorful and full of life!

lissa said...

they're very nice. I like all the different patterns.

hope you have a sweet day.

kaybee said...

These are lovely, Chris. I need to practice initials...I like how you designed yours.

Christine said...

These are amazing, lovely details and colour!

claude said...

Wonderful work, Chris !

Teri said...

Oh wow Chris, these are fabulous! So colorful and decorative. Please share the finished ones as you progress through the alphabet.

linda (dots n doodles) said...

These are wonderful with so much detail and super colours. Brilliant!

Anonymous said...

I love all of the detail and bright colors! Very well done!

Unknown said...

These are beautiful!

Michael said...

Chris, these are AMAZING and so detail oriented. Really lovely. You simply must put them ALL up together when done, ok? Great job. SO glad you did not find this difficult. I found it a huge

Just read your profile--so interesting. You've been everywhere haven't you?! :)

Jenny Woolf said...

What a beautiful alphabet. It must be quite a challenge to get them all different and yet related to each other in style.

snafu said...

Makes me think of the old victeorian A B C books my aged great aunts had.

sandy said...

great job on these