The humming birds found the patio decoration my sister gave me earlier this year.

The California Towhee found the little bit of seed I threw down just for him.

This humming bird has been taking a drink from our water fountain. Sorry, I had to shoot it through the patio window.

Bailey decided he ought to be flaunting his new sleek, slim, svelte self, if the birds were going to get all the attention.

The exciting thing of the afternoon was that we had a wrentit visit us. He has a loud and beautiful song and this is the first time he has visited. I was able to make a good identification of him once he came out of the bushes. They are quite shy in spite of their loud song and they seem to be quite rare, being found only along the California and Oregon coast line. My new goal will have to be to get my own photo. This will not be easy as they hide in the shrubbery and rarely come out. But I think our waterfall attracted him. Unlike the fountain, it is set back in the bushes.
And you know what they all said, "I thought I saw a putty cat, I did, I did see a putty cat.
Great pictures of the birds here, I find it rather hard to get a photo of a humming bird, they seemed to know when I am about to snap a picture of them.
Wow - Bailey is looking GOOD!
With our bird feeder, we have beaten the squirrels, we have beaten the racoons, but now the crows have taken over, so we are back to square one. But we do have repeat visits from a beautiful Northern Flicker. He doesn't want the bird seed -- he loves our ants!!
Wonderful bird post... Bailey is looking sleek and thin...
I scrolled down and read your prev. posts I missed. How great to have the the your building paid for...
And oh, that darling "Food Junkie" at 105... Please!!!!
I hope Bailey does not eat any bird of your garden.
About the second photo, My Friend JUlia has the same decoration but it is no a butterfly but a hummingbird.
Loved the wren, must have reminded you of home in yorkshire.
Your photos are very nice Chris. I enjoyed the visit today and thank you for the visit to my birds blog.
Bird photography is difficult (I know - I keep on trying), but you a great advantage: You draw them so well!
I can tell that you are a lover of birds, too! It is interesting to see the kinds of birds you have around your house.
Bailey, where have I heard that name before? Oh yes, a blogger from Colorado has a cat named Bailey. Her name is Judy and you can track her from her comments on my blog.
nice and interesting pictures and articles you have i saw your links in mr. Abe's birds blog. very interesting! your birds and your cute little Bailey.i hope no birds will be on a plate today!!! just joking! have a good day!!! bye!!!
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