Thursday, December 9, 2010


It may be that you have seen this before, but when I received this link earlier this week, it blessed my socks off! Already 15 million people have seen it, so probably you have but it's worth seeing over and over again.
So turn up the sound and watch.  You won't be disappointed I promise you. There is no preaching.  It's the best bit of Christmas I've ever had...Click below:

  And a very blessed Christmas to you all.


The Weaver of Grass said...

I have just sat and cried through this!! Absolutely wonderful. Thank you.

snafu said...

Wow! What a surprise for the diners. Who organised it do you know?

Elizabeth said...

I have seen this before, Chris, but it is certainly worth repeating. Isn't it beautiful to see the power of God's word going into the hearts of those people?

Handel originally wrote this as an Easter meditation at a point when he felt he had nothing left to give and was only persuaded to go ahead by a good friend ... a real testimony to the way that God, in His amazing strength, uses the weakest vessels when they are made available for His purposes. May God continue to bless you richly, Chris. x

Morning's Minion said...

I had seen reference to this but hadn't watched the video--so glad I did! Can you imagine how electrifying it would have been to be there in person?
I've never sung the Messiah--one of those things I was always going to do. I think my favorite piece from it is "He Shall Feed His Flocks".
I'm now wondering if Canada has made the big fuss about manger scenes in public places or "Christmas programs" in schools as this country has done in recent years.
Thank you for sharing this!

Jose said...

Thank you so much Chris. You too have a very Merry Christmas. What a gift I have received all year just by getting to know you. I am truly blessed to have you as a friend. Perhaps one day soon we may meet.

Charlene Brown said...

I had indeed seen it, but watched it twice again just now. Thanks Chris!

Wanda said...

I've watched it over and over Chris as several friends emailed it to me. It's breathtaking...I only wish I could have been part of it.

BTW you are getting some wonderful comments on your boat on the Art Blog. It's just spectacular.

Ingrid said...

Indeed ! I have got it in my emails and have seen it on blogs. Yes it's just great ! I should ask our chorus of Waterloo to do the same, lol !

Anonymous said...

Amazing. What else can I say.

Sounds like the $1300 was a car payment or house payment your dentist needed to make. But I suspect it was a root canal.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. Glad you liked the family Bible piece and the writing with it. Most of my genealogy was done by experts who did it for President Lincoln. Since we are related I only had to go back to where I relationship is and that was not so far.

I watched it again and got tears in my eyes.

Rusty said...

What a wonderful event. ATB!

jabblog said...

What wonderful photos!
So much life and vitality in all of them - and I hope you will paint some of them :-)