Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I almost missed this letter this week.  Had the last of my tests today and it was a lengthy one, so blogging was on the back burner for a while.
So here, UNDULY late, by the stretch of my imagination is... U is for UNDO problems with BLOGGER.

This is my fix for blogger's comments problem:

1,  When entering bloggerdom do sign in first for your session and then remember to sign out when finished.  I wasn't doing that consistently, so my comments appeared sporadically. Frustrating!
2.  UNCHECK the box on the sign-in page that asks you if you want to stay signed.

My reasoning is this:  Blogger has been trying to fix problems with spammer commenters.   Consistently signing in and using your password, and signing out when you're all done with your blogger session, (not just one odd comment done on the spur of the moment) means that spammers do not have free access to your blogging session unless they know your password.

That's my theory!  It remains to be seen if it works for everyone as it has so far for me. But I'm not a tech wiz.

Sorry no interesting photos this week.  Most testing now finished and I can now be a little more creative.

Visit Mrs. Nesbitt's fantastic  ABC WEDNESDAY for more enlightening posts on the letter U
by clicking HERE


Roger Green said...

not unduly late. Google is having some problems, solved only somewhat by switch to Firefox from IE
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Jose said...

I have never had any problems with blogger. Some people have their pages too secure and sometimes you have to jump through hoops just to leave them a comment but that is not blogger's problem. Happy to hear your problem is solved though.

Wanda said...

Actually, Chris...I think your U post is very clever....

Glad your blogger problems are solved, and glad you are on on the back end of testing.

It seems the older we get, the more health issues we have to deal with. I getting tested for new hearing aids, and my dearest has to schedule caterac surgery.

Life goes on.........

photowannabe said...

That's what I had to do to get back in the commenting mode. Too crazy and a pain but if it solves the spammer situation I guess its good.
Glad you have finished your tests and hope life will become more smooth now.
Your U post is actually perfect.

snafu said...

I am not sure it works that way Chris, with google mail if you are already logged in you cannot log on again so neither can a spammer. Not sure about this branch of the Google empire, but if your solution lets you comment then that's OK.
Hope the tests show you what you want to hear and the doc can give you some releif.

Amanda said...

Sorry to hear you've had problems, fortunately my blog doesn't appear to be affected.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Still on time and interesting!

"U" are invited to see the "U" at my page. Have a great evening.

claude said...

Hello Chris.
I had and I have some problems to leave any comment on a few blogs.
That makes me angry.

Autumn Leaves said...

I am worried about your shaking Chris. Is this part of the reason for the testing? Or a side effect? I hope today finds you well and hopeful that you can sit back and relax and do simply nothing but read, nap, watch tv...

Carver said...

I think you did a great job with the U post. Blogger has been increasingly annoying.

Ingrid said...

I never sign out and never had problems. I use Firefox and the spams go through Google filter in my gmail. Anonymous comments are not allowed on my blog, so I just delete them when they arrive in my mail. I don't use word verification because it's just useless. I allow comments for a week, then comment moderation is turned on.

Leslie: said...

I've had a few problems on some blogs where I have to sign in AGAIN, but then I STILL can't comment! Oh well, hopefully Blogger will have the kinks worked out soon. Glad to hear your tests are all done and the results will be good...

abcw team

snafu said...

Re your most recent comment; I was not genuinely annoyed at you about the tag,just kidding, but being away from home has meant that I was unable to give it more attention, and perhaps come up with some better answers. I think you should have words with your sister for not telling you we were there. Mind you, I did not think to tell you either, sorry.
She tells me you sound a little more chipper, hope you are on the mend.