Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Y is FOR...

Y is for Yucca Tree in full bloom -- being serenaded here by a house finch.  We have quite a number of Yucca trees in our back yard.  Although the bloom is large and a creamy white, it has no perfume except for what attracts flies. 

The white rose of YORKSHIRE
This is the emblem of the house of York which once vied with Lancashire whose emblem was the red rose, to gain the throne of England in the War of the Roses. I have a soft spot for Yorkshire,which was my home county for a good many years.


When our oldest son was still a toddler, he discovered that when he yawned he could make other people yawn.  It was a family joke for a few days.  A week or so later we had to make a bus trip in to the next town.  We climbed aboard and sat at the front of the bus.  He stood on the seat beside me looking back at the rest of the people on the bus enjoying the fun of a rare bus ride.  Every now and then I heard him chuckling, so I turned to him to see what was so funny.  He was amusing everyone on the bus by yawning at them -- and they were yawning back!

Visit ABC Wednesday to see more entertaining entries for the letter Y by clicking here.


Leslie: said...

I actually yawned just reading about your son yawning! LOL

abcw team

Wanda said...

Beautiful photo that first one!!

Yawning is pretty popular this round.

Enjoyed your yawning story.

claude said...

Hello Chris !
I had not any problem for Y. I have a Yucca in my garden !
I love the life of Scruffy. Beautiful cat.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

we have yucca flowers here too. I like the creamish globes of "lights bulbs."

Roger Owen Green said...

yawning IS contagious, and useful when trying to sing, my HS music teacher always told us.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Autumn Leaves said...

You made me smile this a.m., Chris. I'm now trying to remember what "X" was! LOL By the way...my maternal great grandfather was a Lancaster.

Meryl said...

LOL! Great story. So true about the yawns, though.

Dartford Warbler said...

Yawning is fascinating. Apparently, many people on the autism spectrum don`t "catch yawns" .

MorningAJ said...

Yep - I'm yawning now! Just goes to show how catching it is - just from the photo.

Good to see the Yorkshire rose in there too.

kaybee said...

Yay for Yorkshire!

Doohie said...

Here's another 'Yay for Yorkshire'. I wonder why yawning is so contagious?

Chubskulit Rose said...

I have yucca entry in one of my blogs too. Gorgeous photos!

My ABC, please come and see.

Gattina said...

I tell you I yawned today with all the posts yawning, lol ! The Yucca tree looks beautiful !

Jane and Chris said...

Oh, I need a nap!
Jane x

photowannabe said...

Your son is to funny. I love his sense of humor...I agree that yawning is contagious. Just last night Hubby and I kept exchanging yawns until I finally gave up and said I needed to go to bed.

jane said...

Gorgeous shot of the Yucca and the House Finch - We spent some time in Yorkshire a while back visiting York Minster -and the Shambles - and we walked in Islington - great walking country - Jane x

Carver said...

I love the shot of the finch in the yucca tree. Yorkshire is also a good choice for Y and I love the yawn story. Yawning is actually good for you. I had a voice teacher who said you should never suppress a yawn (except when performing) because it relaxes the jaw and is good for you.

snafu said...

Nice Yucca - now I feel tired for some reason...:o

kaybee said...

The old jet lag will do that every time, Snafu!

Mike's Travels said...

Love the yuccas! I have a similar plant but it doesn't flower very often here!