Tuesday, June 12, 2012

V IS FOR....


About 8 blocks of downtown are blocked off for the Farmers' Market.  It was wall to wall people with every kind of vendor selling his wares. Great weather.


Home made bread...(nearly all gone already)



Arts and crafts of all kinds...

Beautifully carved walking sticks...

... er...er... well, rock drops that spun around to put in your pool, very colorful , very intriguing.

More flowers...

Fun for everyone!

...and these two, who were regaling the crowds with fantastic Ozarck style fiddle music!

Can't you just feel the atmosphere? The VENDORS looked like they were having as good a time as all the VISITORS.

This is my contribution to ABC WEDNESDAY the brainchild of Mrs. Nesbitt.  To see more contributions for the letter V please VISIT this LINK


Carver said...

I love farmer's markets. This looks like a great one both for the produce and entertainment.

Kim, USA said...

I also love Farmers market. Your photos are beautiful!


Wanda said...

Great pictures Chris, you have really captured the flavor of a street fair farmers market.

We have one every weekend in the little town of Montrose where we attend church. We walk down from church a lot on Sundays and enjoy the food and music.

Wanda said...

Great pictures Chris, you have really captured the flavor of a street fair farmers market.

We have one every weekend in the little town of Montrose where we attend church. We walk down from church a lot on Sundays and enjoy the food and music.

Morning's Minion said...

I would enjoy that market--at least for an hour or two--then I'd need to sit still and process all the intake of sounds and smells and colors.

Roger Owen Green said...

I LOVE a good farmers' market!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

photowannabe said...

I simply love farmer's markets and especially when they include all the "fair" type atmosphere.
Love the rock drops and oh my...homemade bread...yummm!!

Unknown said...

What a fun place to visit! I love it! : ) I especially love the fountain and the children playing. So sweet!

Lisa said...

You had me at the bread shot. :-) Seriously, your farmer's market looks Amazing!!!

Hildred said...

I love Farmer's Markets, - this one looks especially festive.

Jane and Chris said...

I could spend a happy hour wandering around that market. The peonies are gorgeous!
Jane x

Meryl said...

That looks like an awesome farmers' market!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Gorgeous flowers.

Eye View
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

kaybee said...

Now that's the kind of market I would love to visit! I am intrigued by those 'pool rocks' - are they really rocks? That could be another new craft attempt - rock paintings, for the pool or garden!

Ingrid said...

I like to go to these places too ! The bread looks delicious !

Black Jack's Carol said...

I could indeed feel the atmosphere. The fiddle music, the happy kids cooling off at the fountain, the smells, the tastes, the VIVID colours. This was a wonderful post and a great idea for the letter V.

Kay G. said...

Very, very nice! Wish I could have been there!

Scriptor Senex said...

Wish our farmers' markets were as exciting as yours! Some bread, cheese and preserves and that's about it!

Anonymous said...

Farmer's Market used to be a Friday Night Event in most smaller towns around where I lived here in Ohio. Nowadays, I seldom ever hear of one. Sad that they are gone.

The one you photographed is a nice one.

I am still not able to do much. The surgery was successful though I am not at all aware of why they cut my stomach open again and glued it shut? I need to ask about that as I was only aware of the incisions about 5 inches long over each femoral artery. They were also glued and because it is about where the elastic top of my shorts is located, they bother me. I think it is the glue more than anything else.

Patty was in the hospital for 5 days with cellulitis. It was bad. She was one massive doses of antibiotics for a number of days. She is home now, her leg is wrapped in Ace bandages and she has to keep it propped up most of the time. She can be on it walking or standing for an hour at a time.

snafu said...

So the Vendors were selling Victuals, Viands, Vino, Vases and some were playing the Violin.
A Very Versatile Venue.