Monday, May 26, 2014


I was a bit perverse in my entry for this week's Creative Tuesday.  I wanted to do something unusual and I came up with this idea.  I have to tell you that this topic in no way has anything to do with my political views. It is just a drawing.  I wanted to do Socks but when I found this photo on line I thought it would be a good opportunity to practice drawing faces too, since that is something I have been doing recently.

 Actually, I think Clinton's face came out better than Socks.

If you would like to see other entries in Creative Tuesday please click HERE


Wanda said...

I love that you took it a step out of your comfort zone of details. This is a very good sketch, and I think you did a great job on the face. And you are good with cats...haha wonder why!!
Good job!

TwinkleToes2day said...

This is a clever take on the theme. I am very impressed with your sketch :o)

Black Jack's Carol said...

Chris, I love your creative projects. You have such a variety of interests and talents and I'm really happy that you share them with us.

kaybee said...

What a fantastic job you did, Chris - especially on Clinton's face...well done!

Michael said...

HAhaha, that so cracked me up. Clever, Chris! Love it. I thin the cat, err...I mean SOCKS, looks grand!

As I write this comment, I am again admiring that fantastic tree in the post below to the right of the pop up comments box.

Thank you so much for joining in again!

I wonder what you will do for the next theme announced soon? Hmmm....

linda (dots n doodles) said...

This is fun and very clever. Great drawing of Clinton and of course Socks. Brilliant!