Tuesday, May 6, 2014



( This was drawn with Prismacolor pencils on a water color background.)

In 2007 we stayed at Hothorpe Hall for our denomination's Triennial Conference.  It is a magnificent venue.  The hall is set in beautiful grounds.  This old Oak tree was located near the driveway that drove up to the Hall.  At dusk it looked quite eerie indeed.  I took a photo of it but that was three computers and probably a thousand photos ago and I couldn't find it.  So I had to do it by memory  I'm quite pleased with it because it does look like I remembered it.  

One evening while there, I was sitting outside in the dusk when over in a group of large trees I saw a strange, large creature slowly climbing one of the trees.  It looked like a humped-backed creature with twisted legs. I wasn't scared because I don't believe in monsters.  But I watched it for a while and then I remembered the Hall had quite a few peacocks.  I didn't realize that peacocks roost in trees!

I'm going to take a look now at what some of my other cohorts did for their interpretation of the Oak Tree.  Come on over and visit us -- even better, join our group and see what you can do in the way of interpreting our bi-weekly themes.  You can find us HERE


Terra said...

You captured the oak tree nicely, and now I can imagine peacocks roosting in trees.

Wanda said...

Oh Chris that's a great old oak. What character. Back from my Blog Break and trip to OR.

claude said...

Beautiful Chris !
Thats reminds me the black tree I drew and painted at school on sunset backgroud.

TwinkleToes2day said...

Popping in from CT ~ What a fabulous job you did, and from memory too! I love the shape of it, totally. Any idea how old it is Chris? I love your sky, and the grass and the wee sheep.......everything about it. :o)

linda (dots n doodles) said...

You should be pleased with yourself! This just sums up the English countryside perfectly with the church in the background as well. A lovely strong and beautifully executed drawing. I love it!

Patty said...

An oak tree with lots of character. Beautifully done.

snafu said...

That must be quite creepy against a darkening sky.

Angela said...

Great tree! And I too would recommend Hothorpe for a conference- lovely venue!!

kaybee said...

I think this is one of the best drawings you have ever done, Chris...I love it - the whole scene is beautiful!

lissa said...

the tree looks alive as if it will move at any moment, you definitely capture the oak tree. I think it's a great interpretation of the theme.

& peacocks in trees? I've never heard of this either but sounds interesting.

have a great day.

Black Jack's Carol said...

I absolutely love your drawing of the oak tree, Chris! Not only does is the tree full of personality, but the grazing sheep and shades/textures of blues and greens in your sky and grass are wonderful. Will you place it somewhere in your home where you can remember the story and enjoy its beauty? I hope so.

Michael said...

Oh, haha, yes indeed peacocks DO roost in trees and love to sit atop roofs as well, as I've seen in California on a fee occasions.

LOVE this old oak tree and how your drew it. A great picture made all the more amazing that you simply used coloured pencils! Were they water soluble ones as the sky looks like a watercolour?

Anyway, what a grand old oak. Love it and the story too. I did a little web search on it. Looks like a gorgeous place for a church retreat. How lovely.

This is such a detailed, delightful drawing -- thanks for taking the time to render it and tell us about it too. your memory of the tree is impressive!

BTw, I changed your link on the sign up to go to the post itself, instead of your home page so should you add any post above it, people will still be able to find your work: http://flamblogger.blogspot.com/2014/05/creative-tuesday.html

Finally, thank you so much for sending me that sweet little note and for your prayers for Alex. Well needed and appreciated too. Thank you, she is slowly recovering. If you would pray for our car situ and finances with all the bills coming in and lost work, that would be great too. :)

ChrisJ said...

Reply: Hi Mm: Yes, the sky is watercolor and the grass. I usually do the backgrounds in watercolor and the rest in Prismacolors -- just regular colored pencil kind. I used to do everything in watercolors, but my hand is not steady enough these days, but I use a blending technique so they don't look too much like colored pencils.

Anonymous said...

beautiful, this Oak reminds me of the trees that were in the movie Lord of The Rings!!!

Alicia C said...

What an absolutely magnificent tree! Love it so much... also am insanely in love with the banner and wondering if that's your garden? Sorry for insane delay, am coming over from creative tuesday. Cheers!

Barbara said...

I don't recall the tree in your picture (which I like) Chris. Also I don't see it on my photos.
We have booked again for next year.