Tuesday, January 20, 2015

B....IS FOR....


At the end of each year I have had all my blogs gathered together and published in book form.  Here is this year's  book.
I have opened the pages so you can see how nicely the blogs have reproduced.  There are just over 60 pages  -- not as many as I have had some years.  I  use Blogs2Print as the publisher and this one cost me about $40.

Here are all my books since I began blogging in January 2007.  It's so much fun having all this work in print.  I don't know if my boys will be interested in them, but it's rather like having an illustrated diary.  Many of my photographs as well as  a lot of my art work is in them.  The only negative thing I think about these books is that the photographs are rather small, but perhaps they were trying to keep the cost down by not using so many pages.

While I'm at the letter B, I'm also posting one of my latest pieces of art work.

It is obviously a butterfly but it's a little different from the usual because I copied it from a beautiful black velvet shawl that was given to me.  It has lovely embroidered flowers and butterflies all done in knot stitches which I have tried to reproduce by small circles.  The black background did not reproduce well with the Prisma colored pencils.

This is a picture of one of the flowers to show the style of embroidery.

This is my entry for ABC WEDNESDAY.  We are in our 16th round and at the letter B.  Big thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt and Roger Owen Green for keeping this project going.  To see many more entries for the letter B, please click HERE


Reader Wil said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful and creative post, Chris! I love the colours. And what a great idea to have all your entries printed and have them collected in books.
Have a great week.
Wil, ABCW Team.ú

Michael said...

Ooh, that's clever with that pattern included and love how you keep a print copy of your blog each year. I really should do that too as the internet could go down at anytime. I love to think that CT is on there on those pages too. Of course your boys will treasure these for years to come! :)

Photo Cache said...

What a great idea. Can you tell me how to do this?


Roger Owen Green said...

Maybe *I* should do that!


ChrisJ said...

If you want to make a blog book too, just Google Blogs2Print. It has all instructions on its pages. It wasn't too difficult to follow. Email me if you have specific questions, but everything I know is on those pages. I just followed directions. One of my books has 250 pages and I don't think I paid any more than $80. I made it simple by including all blogs from January 1st to December 31st. Not excluding any in between made it simple.

lissa said...

oh, I love this idea of a blog book. I wish I had known about this back then when I started blogging, I could have had all my old blog posts but sadly I've deleted them.

just want to say that images are small probably because images from websites are usually not good for printing and so it's probably why the images are so small. just something I thought I shared with you.

off to visit your Creative Tuesday.

Arthur Schenck said...

I didn't even know a service like Blogs2Print existed! Doesn't surprise me, though, and I think it's a great idea. Oddly enough, I was thinking just this week about how I might be able to do something similar with my posts, so this is timely. Thanks for sharing!

Hildred said...

I have a shelf full of blog2print books too, - wonderful way to keep a record and fun to leaf through and reminisce.
Your embroidery is lovely...

snafu said...

That set of books is impressive. A few yearts ago I took your advice and I now have a set of five books similar to yours, but in a uniform colour. They look and feel good and I am very glad you suggested it.
A word of advice to newcomers, I have found that you should go for keeping the words and pictures in the same format as in your bolog, although it means more pages, or any captions can go astray and appear out of sequence.

Ingrid said...

I am preparing one too, and have already printed one. It's a great idea !
ABC Wednesday

Unknown said...

What a great idea...I would love to do that for my children. They are the topic of most of my blogs as well as pictures of them. It would be fun to look back and see what was going on, when. Hope your Wednesday is a good day!

Morning's Minion said...

I've considered having my blogs put into the book form--one thing that has kept me from that is the feeling I should go back through and correct the inevitable typos--some I catch just after I hit 'publish'--others escape me.

Patty said...

That's a clever idea about having your blog printed. Like keeping a diary of sorts. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for your visit.

kaybee said...

A lovely record of all your blogs, Chris, and so much you can be proud of!

Your shawl must be very pretty, judging by your butterfly and the small sample that you posted!

claude said...

This is a very good idea to have books of your own blog posts. I would like to have the same but as I have posted almost everyday for since 8 years and more....
Have you all your followers comments in you books ?

Alan Burnett said...

The books look wonderful. I tend to do the same thing but I am running a good few years behind having just published the collection for 2011. But it is a fine way to save your writing for future generations.

Black Jack's Carol said...

And what a wonderful "B" post this is, Chris! Just rich with creativity and beauty! I think if I tried to publish my blog, the whole thing would break down under the strain of too many photos, but there is a part of me that would like to leave a record of my thoughts and joys. Just the front covers of yours are a delight! As for the butterfly,"Wow! So very unique and striking. Just love it!"

Trubes said...

Such a beautiful butterfly, you are so talented Chris.
As for a blog Book, what a wonderful idea, I'm going to look into that.
Thank you so much for sharing your imaginative work and thoughts with us all.

Best wishes,
ABCW team.

sandy said...

Love your blog books! I've often thought of doing that with my art blog. Great idea.