Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Z is for ZZZzzzz....

Almost anytime and any place is right for Scruffy to get his ZZZzzz's...

With his blankie...

...on the floor...

...the back of the sofa...

...on another sofa...

...his favorite arm chair...

...or with his Dad -- yes, he really does sleep with his eyes open.

What a comfortable life!!

This is my entry for the last letter of the alphabet at the end of our 11th round of our favorite and very popular project ABC Wednesday started by Mrs. Nesbitt several years ago and continued by Roger Owen Green and his trusty team of helpers.  Hop over to see all the other entries for this week by clicking HERE It would the ideal moment to also consider joining us next week as we start another round.


Photo Cache said...

I have 2 of my own and I can attest to the fact that they love to zzzzz any time of the day.


Reader Wil said...

Hi Chris! Lovely kitties!
Thanks for your comment. I made a mistake : not all tribes of Israel are represented by animal symbols. Marc Chagall has depicted all the tribes by symbols as he found them in the blessings of Jacob to his sons. Please do read them. Some of the symbols are animal symbols.

Michael said...

He sleeps with his eyes open? Really? Wow. how does one do that? how funny.

Those pics of your kittie make me so want to lounger right her on my couch. Precious indeed. :)

Ingrid said...

One of my cats also sleep with open eyes ! zzz...zzz...zzz...
ABC Wednesday

snafu said...

What no one understand is that a cat needs to practice in preparation for sleeping all night. Like running a marathon, it is no good going into such a long run unprepared all those short naps build him up for the long all night sleep. Practice makes purrfect.

Roger Owen Green said...

My cats woke me up at 4:30 a.m. wanting food. Phooey!


Roger Owen Green said...

My cats woke me up at 4:30 a.m. wanting food. Phooey!


Morning's Minion said...

Cats can make even an unappealing spot look comfortable, but I'd say Scruffy has his choice of very inviting places to sleep.

kaybee said...

😀 re snafu's comment!

MeMumbaikar said...

Lovely pics of Scruffy's ZZZZ...'s and his dad.
My sister also sleeps with her eyes half open from a young age.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

looks very cozy...just the spot for a catnap

Trubes said...

Cats are so laid back.
My darling cat Princess Chloe sleeps on the end of our bed from about 10pm when I retire, If my husband doesn't come up to bed until about 11,30pm she will go down stairs and badger him until he comes up to bed, Then she sits on the landing waiting patiently for him to appears, then it's zzzng until 7am until husband is commanded to prepare her breakfast.
She spends most of the morning sitting on my lap whilst I tap away on my PC. Then at 1pm daddy is commanded to prepare a small dish of prawns, then after a run around with him she retires to bed until 5pm when she appears to tell daddy she wants her daily piece of cod....Aye it's a grand life being a princess !

Happy New Year,
ABCW team.

claude said...

Hi Chris !
Excellent post !
Scruffy a a very good life.

Black Jack's Carol said...

This is such a perfect "Z" post, Chris! One smile after the other as I scrolled through the photos. I love your Scruffy moving from one comfy spot to the next, fully confident that he has full access to his chosen home. I especially loved the one of him with his Dad. Many thanks to you for offering comments on issues that have been filling my mind. I always appreciate your insight. Shall we go for another ABC Round?

mrsnesbitt said...

I am sleepy right mow! Thanks Chris xxxx What an example of how ABC brings us all together. I always think of you when we're anywhere near Flamborough xxxxx