It is a book of prayers for boys, but before that turns you off just read the two samples. They are prayers for boys (5-10 yrs), just like boys talk:
"Father, I love noise.
I love to stomp through the house,
to yell at a ball game,
to turn up the TV,
and to hammer real loud
when I'm making something.
I love to hear the big jetliners
roar overhead
or listen to the thump- thump
of the big drum in a parade.
Thank you for loud noises, Father,
and for the little ones too.
Thank you for good ears to hear a whisper
as well as the big drum."
"Thank you Lord, for coming to earth,
for making people happy,
for making them well,
for teaching about God
and for dying on the cross.
But most of all, thank you
for coming alive again.
Now we can go to heaven
because you paid for our sins.
Thank you for that, Lord Jesus."
Speaking of coming alive again, here is my plumeria as it was last summer.
And below is what it looks like now. I really do think it is 'coming alive again'.
I very carefully covered it every night the temperature got below 40, but I
thought I had lost it a few times.

That's why spring is so great. It speaks of coming alive again --
and Easter speaks of coming alive again through Jesus Christ.
Chris this is wonderful. And I think the cover is colorful enough. I liked it.
Just what little boys need!! I like the cover, and the prayers are precious and real!!
Good job Chris!!
Nice idea. I have dozens of books to redo but running out of lifetimes to do it. LOL
Fortunately some of my books still sell but not like they once did. My generation they were written for are as old as I am. LOL
I like your cover design.
I agree with the people above me! :)
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