In March the bright , bright colors of the ice plant are thatched along banks and roadsides.
These colors are so bright that they are almost breathtaking when you see a whole hill side of them.
Almost every year a new kind of flower is planted by landscapers who look after shopping malls and office buildings. A couple of years ago they introduced yellow daisies that are very showy and grow to about two feet high and can almost become hedges. My photos didn't all come out too well this time, so I just have this one to show you.
About a year ago they introduced the Cape Honeysuckle which is a shrub with pretty honey suckle type red flowers that the humming birds love.
The latest is a bedding plant that looks like cabbage or cauliflower, but it is more tightly whorled and comes in purple and a creamy white. More attractive than it sounds. I will try get a photo.
Because the hills are still green from the winter rains, March through May/June is the best time to see our array of flowers. The display ends for me when my Jacaranda tree blooms in late May. It is my most favorite blossom tree of all. I will keep you posted. You know, of course, that our beautiful green hills become beautiful "golden brown" when the heat comes. At least if if you're a true Californian they do!
I will try to get some photos of the flower fields also, though it is still about two weeks too early. These are ranunculus and a magnificent sight when the whole field is in bloom. They are commercially cultivated.
In case you are wondering...
Henrietta is still thriving, looking very handsome and very healthy with her white feathers speckled with black, and her beautiful black tail. No more signs of the raccoon/coyote.......
...The humming bird was back taking a bath in the waterfall today....
...The blue scrub jay still visits several times a day....
...and yes the Mocking Bird is still singing his heart out to the night. He can very accurately imitate the Scrub Jay's shriek and the King Bird's also. When I first heard him I thought they were really out there joining the Mocking Bird's nightly rituals!
We had new visitors today: the Bush-tit and the Oak-tit. I have seen them flitting around but couldn't get close enough to identify them until today.
Thank you for the burst of color - we are still white with some brown beginning to show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wonderful colors. When we lived in Santa Barbara, the freeways were always lovely because they planted flowers like that on the nice to drive when you can enjoy flowers ~~ Not so in LA.
I can still remember the "awe" I felt the very first time I visited California in March of 1978...chains were needed to get through Truckee BUT the beauty that greeted me upon arrival in Sacramento and San Francisco was a sight to behold...the flowers, the bluest sky I had ever seen, the ocean, the SF bridge...oh my!! it was so I would love to visit there again....some day...some day
I LOVE the colors!
I don't normally photograph flowers but I will post some shot I took last week just for you and Wanda. I hope you'll enjoy them.
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