The white outline on the cover is of the red campion, a wild flower that grows all over the headland.

The beacon is a monument to the Battle of Flamborough Head,September 23, 1779, which John Paul Jones fought against the English naval ship the Serapis. Jones' ship, the Bonhomme Richard, sank, even though they won the battle. There has been much to do about finding the wreck. It hasn't been found yet, as far as we know.

It is said that the people of Flamborough stood on the cliffs and watched the sea battle for hours. It took place about three miles off the headland and it was a fine bright moonlight night. Here is my painting of The Battle of Flamborough Head, copied from an original.

This is the two page spread of my article in this issue, written as an ex-pat, Flamborian. I have even been invited to write regularly for this little magazine! What an honor to write about my beautiful village!
The dark house at the back on the left side of the left hand page was my house, right on the cliff edge. The house in front of it was the golf club.
Bracing views and believe me twas windy today!
cool - and congratulations!
That's great, Chris -- congratulations! Brings back lovely memories for me, too!
Hey Chris ~~ didn't know you were so famous!! Love it. Nice article, and love your painting! It's so rich with color, texture and action ~~ Great job. You will need to get in on the next ABC Art Project ~~ OK?
Nice post with lots of news.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Wow, a celebrity comes and read my blog. I am glad you are not in the teaching business because you would be giving me bad grades. lol Actually I have been bloggin for almost two years and I think it has helped me improve my writing. I'm still far away from writing good.
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