Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sunsets and Moonrise

Moth arrived home late afternoon on Tuesday. He had been to Portugal and Gibraltar for some church conferences. As we drove home this was the sunset! Not digitalized I promise!

The sky was changing every minute, but even after an 11 hour flight, Moth turned down a road towards the sunset so that I could take these photos.

Unfortunately all the power lines were in the way, but the skies were still amazingly beautiful!


On Wednesday, I had been working at the church office and I was heading home. Once again
there was another gorgeous sunset, but instead of photographing it, I caught sight of the full moon rising in the pink sky made by the sunset. I almost missed it because the sky was changing so quickly and I had to find a safe place to pull over and take this photo.

By the time I got home I was able to take the photos above and below from the back yard.

Tonight we had another gorgeous sunset!

This is our typical October/November weather. The sunsets were late arriving this year.
We are having another Santa Ana weather condition from today through Sunday. The temperatures will be hot and the humidity dry, but fortunately the winds will not be so bad -- so they say. The danger with the winds is, of course, fire.

Buena Vista Lagoon still coming up. Stayed tuned.


Jose said...

Oh sunsets how I love them. Those images are gorgeous, the lines and light towers just add to the already dramatic picture. I am glad you guys were able to stop for a little bit to capture these.

claude said...

Very nice shots Chris ! Even with the power lines !

Wanda said...

Wonderful shots.... Chris how sweet MOTH was to take a road so you could get the pictures.

My hubby is getting better and better at that.... He knows I always have the camera by my side.


J. Andrew Lockhart said...

these photos are beautiful!!

Wanda said...

Hey Chris ~~ I tagged you today, come by and see and play if you want too.

Ken said...

Nice photos Chris. Hot and dry! please sent it here :-)