Had a great four days with our son and his girl friend in Boise, Idaho. On Thursday it rained, on Friday it snowed, but on Saturday and Sunday it was gorgeous. Warm enough to sit out on the patio for several hours. Spring has not quite arrived yet, although the daffodils and crocuses were in abundance. Usually when we go at this time of the year, all the trees are in full bloom. But this year we were a week or so earlier and their spring was about two weeks late.
How would you like this house across the street from yours??? Some do and some don't. I think it is quite an attraction. It is owned by a dyed-in-the-wool Boise State university Broncos fan. And of course the colors are the Bronco's colors. He is in the midst of turning his front yard into a football field. Obviously, quite a fan.
We were actually quite fortunate with the weather, because the weekend before, there had been howling winds of 55mph. In one part of town there was much more damage than else where. Here you can see a tree has come down on top of a trailer and across the street a beautiful large Garden Center where we had visited last year was pretty much wiped out. I'm inclined to think a mini tornado must have gone through here because this kind of really bad damage was confined to a small area.
PALM SUNDAY and we chose to go to a church that had pews and a choir! (By request of Owen's girl friend). We attended the United Methodist Church, Cathedral of the Pacific. They had two children's choirs as well as a very fine adult choir. All the choirs processed in carrying palm branches. It was absolutely beautiful inside, as well as outside. The message was thoroughly biblical, which was good for us. Altogether a very good experience.
This was the front door. My photo doesn't do it justice because I was rushing. People were approaching to go inside. But notice the writing in the wrought iron bars. Very unusual and very beautiful.
This was taken outside the REI store. (Camping, hiking, caving gear) An outdoor equipment shop. They were having an annual sale. People had camped out outside the store,-- overnight temps in the 20's! I counted 12 or 13 tents. Owen used to work in this store, but now he gives lectures there on various aspects of outdoor hiking, about twice a year.
One man had brought his dogs. Photo rather over-exposed. But beautiful dogs.Tomorrow I'll post some more photos taken in Boise. This will include some cats -- just for equal time purposes! Had a good time but always glad to be home.
I can't believe that house across the street! wouldn't be haed for anyone to find you - "just look for this house that...." :)
They live across from the blue house - we live at the leaning silos! Everyone seems to know the place and use it for directions!
Great photos as usual, Chris. So glad you had a good time!
Wow, great shots. I felt as if I was there. In my neibourhood we can't even chage the color of anything without being fined and the we must put it back according to code. Associations are double edged.
That door is nice, how about it for your doors collection, all you would have to do is omit the big shadow casted up on top.
Well, Chris I am glad to have you back, I missed your comments and look forward to more of your pictures.
You're right about the door, Jose. I think I will try it eventually, but right now I have a SPECIAL REQUEST for an old church on one of the islands in Micronesia, that has just been pulled down. It will have to be quite a bit larger than the ones I usually do, so I have my work cut out for me. I just hope I can do it!!
This is a really nice collection of photos. The house across the street and the one with the wind damage and the tents lined up. All nice work and reporting-like narrative that I found interesting.
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