The ship was too rolly to to get a lot of shots. It was hard to stand up but our cold weather suits added to the difficulty. Kept us nice and warm ( except for the face), and we were well padded if we fell! We were quite close in to the rocks as you can see below. This photo also shows the rows of gannets, nesting on the cliffs. Gannets are quite rare, very large and somewhat like a refined pelican, because they dive after fish like a streamlined dart from a good height. We were in the Arctic Ocean here -- almost literally, because at one point when the boat was turning around we were definitely at a 45 degree angle. I wasn't too worried 'though because I've been in seas like this before, when I was growing up.

Barry went to see the Sea Eagles. The crew on the small boat throw out fish to attract them. Of course there were plenty of other birds to help pick up. I think that is a fulmer about three down from the top of the picture.

The Sea Eagles came and had a feast. They also are quite rare. They are something like our Bald Eagle but don't have the 'bald' head.

The flowers were just starting to come out in Bergen. Beautiful red Poppies -- very large.

Don't know the name of these, but they were quite attractive. I think I took this photo through the window at Grieg's home.

This I love. Of course it really doesn't come under the category of flowers but it was such a beautiful, sheltered woodland that I would have gladly gone exploring, that is until I discovered that it was private land.

There were rhododendrons everywhere and of every color....

Finally, these were just too beautiful to pass up. Yes, it was raining but I used my macro focus, at which I'm not very experienced and I was very pleased with the result.

Wonderful Auntie Chris!
Chris, Thanks for taking me along on your trip with all of these beautiful pictures...It looks like you had a great time. Glad your home safe. BE BLESSED
The flowers and the sheltered woodlands are beautiful! Very nice pictures!
Awesome photos, Chris! The flowers are gorgeous -- and the cliff shots remind me so much of Flamborough Head. Lucky you!
Those green bells are called Solomon's Seal here in Canada, and I have lots in my garden, but they also grow wild.
Looks like a wonderful trip.
Chris, what a bunch of great photo captures. I like the one where the trees look like they are horizontal instead of vertical. But I really like them all.
You've got good eyesight, Jose. I hadn't even noticed that!
You can proudly boast that you have been further north in Norway than most Norwegians - including me!
I love to take pictures of birds, but I have never managed an eagle. I have seen them, but too far away to try. But I'll get ojne - some day...
Thank you for the comment! I have been to Kristiansand for a week (at the absolute south of Norway - you were not there). We have now around 25 - 30 degrees C. A bit to hot for us...
Give my regards to Barry!
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