And guess who we met there -- Rune of Visual Norway
What a great time we had! A cup of tea in Bergen turned out to be a 2 hour great friendship session. We plied him with questions about his homeland and had a good discussion on the joys of blogging.
Waterfalls everywhere.
Still getting over 9 hour jet lag and that nasty bug that everyone has had and I managed to avoid until now. We had 26 hours travel time and three flights home Tuesday and a short hop (thank goodness) on Wednesday.
Lots more to come. Keep visiting.
Wow, that sounds like a traveling ordeal but a vacation dream. I am happy to read you had a wonderful time, those images are fantastic and I am happy that you are back. I hope you can get rid of the bug right away and looking forward to reading more on your trip. Welcome back!
It was nice to see that you got home well, despite bugs and time lag. It was even nicer to see that you enjoyed your stay in Norway. I hope I managed to answer the questions - it was a real pleasure to meet both of you, and I had a great time. I look forward to what is coming on the blog!
Give my regards to Barry!
Looking forward to lots more pictures - glad you had a good trip - we are off to Florida this morning, will have to see what kind of internet connections we have.....
I saw you on RunE's blog once. I bet it was a different world for you. Glad you could make it there, and back.
Welcome back -- we've all been waiting for you!
So pleased you had a great time, and can't wait to hear all about the trip. Hope you will soon be 'on top of the world' physically too!
Beautiful country!!
Wow! Wonderful isn't it connecting! One day we've got to do Flamborough! lol!
Sounds like you had a wonderful trip.
Jet lag really throws the body out of whack.
Hope you get better soon.
Well wow, I love those photos and how fun to meet another blogger! Can;t wait to see more....and hope you get over the bug soon so you're back to your blogs! ha...and of course feeling better.
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