But the squirrels (well, I suppose it could have been a rabbit because we did see one when we first arrived home) have decimated our two large bushes of Chinese Pink Hibiscus. They were in full flower when we left. Now there are no flowers and few leaves. As for my very special melon-colored hibiscus that is only about two feet tall and which I have been tenderly watching over.....well you can see what it looks like below.

And this is what we call an elephant's foot (don't know the real name), and it was blooming for the first time in its life. The foot is the bottom part that is large, fat and round. My youngest son bought this many years ago when it was just in a small plastic pot. It has been transplanted many times. I hope it isn't one of those which blooms once and then dies.
Poor Henrietta suffered a little too. I had intended to bring her in before we left, but I forgot. She has some tail feathers missing, but fortunately not too much damage was done. Squirrels again, I suspect. I have to find some more black feathers to repair her.....Now if that annoying black crow ever comes back...!!!
Wow, I don't know if I could deal with all them little predators. I counted seven squirrels but eight sounds right too, you know better because you took the shot. lol
Well good luck getting rid of them, oh and the flowrs are very pretty.
Wow, I don't know if I could deal with all them little predators. I counted seven squirrels but eight sounds right too, you know better because you took the shot. lol
Well good luck getting rid of them, oh and the flowrs are very pretty.
Hi Chris ! I got back home.
Thanks for your comments while I was in your country.
Beautiful the drawing of your previous post !
it is like you are living in a wildlife park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with beautiful plants, of course! Your animals must be very happy and well fed.
What a surprise to come home to.
But the flowers are lovely.
I like all the plants. You have a great yard.
Wildlife is taking over the world -- it's time to revolt!!
Poor Henrietta -- alive or dead, she can't win!
Are you sure you aren't breeding them;) I guess once one found the free food it told all of it's friends.
Yes the old town has changed for the better though.
To answer to your question about my chesnut tree, the chesnuts are not inedible.
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