This young fellow is definitely a juvenile, (either house sparrow or house finch), because you can see his fluffy baby feathers. There are many juveniles around the feeders now, learning to fend for themselves. But sometimes they gorge themselves on so much seed that they don't have the strength to fly away. So they find a nearby branch or fence post, and take a nap. When they have rested -- and digested, away they fly. This one was napping on the fence outside the den window. He was there for about 15 minutes. I opened the window and stepped up close to him and he didn't even move. I was only about 3 or 4 feet away from him when I took this photo.
Such a cutie!

This is a Gulf Fritilliary. He is about 3 inches across. We had one last year and he was a little larger. He is the only red orange butterfly I have seen this year. But look under his wings...

...those white patches are actually metallic silver which just glitter in the sun. So this makes him a very handsome butterfly indeed.

And Bailey was oblivious to it all !!!
Bailey probably said, there she goes with that camera again, I am taking a nap.
What nice markings on the hummingbird! Our hummingbirds are not that pretty.
Oh that Bailey, he is the nicest, prettiest kitty!
Bailey looks like he had a rough day. LOL The butterfly is beautiful. Happy week-end.
Very nice photos, Chris !
I agree with you, the baby bird is very cute.
Bailey has a good life.
You do have some birds that we don't have - I envy you the first one. But I think Bailey should have been more awake with so many "goodies" flying around :-)
Oh to have a hummingbird in my small postage stamp of a garden, you are very lucky to have all this around you.
what a perfect shot of the hummingbird - amazing
We have a female Ruby Throated hummingbird that visits the garden but doesn't stay still long enough to get a photo.
Your nature pictures today, are stunning. Love the hummingbird..never seen one like that, and the butterflies are lovely.
And Bailey....isn't he just the best cat ever!!!
We are up in the Haliburton Highlands and there are lots of hummingbirds -- but we can't get close enough to see what kind they are.
Your photos are beautiful, as usual.
As for Bailey, he missed all the excitement!
Great photos Chris. I'm enjoying catching up here.
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