I promised no more birds -- for a while anyway. So now you get rocks.
Throughout our yard we have some fairly large attractive rocks, each of which have a bit of history attached.

This is rose quartz. We have quite a number (a dozen or so) of these pieces in various parts of our yard. They were given to us by some friends many years ago, when they were downsizing their home. They have now both gone home to be with the Lord but I remember them frequently when I look at these rocks.

This is a beautiful piece which I believe came from the Anza Borrego Desert. It has a beautiful rose hue to it and those shiny white specks are mica which really glisten when the sun comes around.

This piece we purchased along with a number of other large pieces, when we set up our small waterfall. I believe it is just called river rock, but I like the red iron ore color which has not faded over time.

I do believe this came from the beach. Another rose color. (Do you sense a theme here?) Our backyard is really quite green for southern California even though we don't have any grass. So these rose and red pieces make a nice contrast.

These two pieces really do have a history to them. They were part of the wall of the old sanctuary of our church. The lower walls were made of lava rock, which is what these are. The church was expanded by extending the sides and we inherited these two pieces of lava rock. Today, the main worship area of our church is in another much larger building called the Worship Center and which was built in 1991. But the old sanctuary with all the lava rock is still used for many occasions, not the least of which is our Spanish church
La Iglesia Cristiana de Carlsbad.

Finally, a bunch of river rocks especially purchased for our small waterfall garden at the side of the patio where I do all my birdwatching. My husband tells me he hand laid every single one of them (an area of 25 feet square). I didn't actually see him do it, but knowing my husband's attachment to details, I believe him!
First of six tests for me tomorrow, for balance and dizziness: an EMG No major concerns, except to rule out possibilities.
What an interesting rock collection, yeap totally different from the birds.
I hope the tests accomplish what they are set to do.
Like your rock collection, I have always been fond of Lava Rock, I love the different patterners that Lava Rocks has in them.
I also enjoy your birds too.
Hopefully these test's will be able to tell your doctor what is causing your unbalances and dizziness.
"Hey I forgot to tell ya...I like your new blog title!
Chris, I am keeping with Wanda's blog, those fires are too close for confort. I told her we should pray for rain.
Glad you liked the gazebo, tomorrow I'll be posting the floor inside of it, it had a beautiful design that reminds me of the drawings you do. Come and visit.
You have some interesting rocks in your garden. I liked them all especially the lava rocks. I also like the rive rocks with the round edges. I try to buy them when I can find them.
Our library had a large area filled with these kind of river rocks and all were a shade of dark gray. And over time, the kids and adults have picked one up on their way home and now there are place bare because th rocks are gone.
When we moved here there was nothing but clay soil. The good stuff was all moved away. So I spent a lot of time driving around the countryside picking up rocks as big as I could lift and brought them home and they are all here somewhere. Some look better than others but I suppose each one has an interesting history if rocks could talk.
Thank you very much for visiting My Birds Blog and for the comment you left me there about my goldfinch photograph. My Birds Blog
You have quite a rock collection! I remember seeing some like those when I was a kid on a farm in Ohio. The rose colored ones were all around.
I pray that your tests go well tomorrow.
Nice collection of rocks, Chris !
Your yard looks surely very beauttiful.
Is it those rocks in your head that are causing your imbalance?!!
Sorry, only a sister could ask that!
Your rocks are very beautiful - an unusual collection.
Love your rocks... I didn't realize you were a ROCK STAR. HAHA
I love rocks too, and most of mine have been given to my grandson who loves rocks.
Still praying for your tests and results...
Love and Hugs
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