My husband loves to tell corny jokes. This is one of his better ones:
An old hillbilly couple were sitting together on the front porch one evening. The husband was reading the newspaper when he turned to his wife and and said, "Ah knows you like to put me to rights when I says somethin' wrong, so now Agnes, what's this 'ere word in this paper mean -- 'propaganda'?" "Why Jed", his wife replies, "dis is somethin' you ought to know all about."
"Why's dat, ma love?" answers Jed.
"Well", his wife replied, "you knows that I was married to my first husband for five years and we done have 5 children".
"Yes, I knows that awright," says Jed.
"And you knows I wuz married to my second husband for eight years and we done had 8 children." his wife continued. "Yup," says Jed, "I knows that right enough."
"Well Jed, we bin married these ten years and we baint had no children at all." "Ah knows that too", says Jed "but what does all that have to do with this 'ere word, 'propaganda'?"
"Ah now, Jed", his worthy wife replied, "If I had all these children by my other husbands and we ain't had none, it just goes to show that I's the proper goose, but you ain't de propaganda!"
Hope you haven't heard that one before!
Moving right along now...J is for...

Scrub JAY
Such a beautiful blue -- and such a harsh screech!
My favorite tree of all, the Jacaranda tree blooms late May early June.
They are original to Brazil and grow profusely in the San Diego area. I've also seen a lot on Maui and I hear they are popular in Australia. They need a tropical or sub-tropical climate.
They are original to Brazil and grow profusely in the San Diego area. I've also seen a lot on Maui and I hear they are popular in Australia. They need a tropical or sub-tropical climate.
I didn't forget last week, it was just such a busy week and I do like to give some thought to what I post. So rather than just post something hastily I decided not to do one at all. Now this one would have been good for last week as it is an old 8th century prayer from St. Patrick:
I rise today with the power of God to pilot me,
God's strength to sustain me, God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look ahead for me,
God's Word to speak to me,
God's hand to protect me,
God's way before me,
God's shield to defend me,
God's host to deliver me,
from snares of devils, from evil temptations,
from nature's failings, from all who wish to harm me,
far or near, alone and in a crowd.
I rise today with the power of God to pilot me,
God's strength to sustain me, God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look ahead for me,
God's Word to speak to me,
God's hand to protect me,
God's way before me,
God's shield to defend me,
God's host to deliver me,
from snares of devils, from evil temptations,
from nature's failings, from all who wish to harm me,
far or near, alone and in a crowd.
Lovely post for the J day! Great photos! Love the jacaranda tree, they were one of the things I loved about living in Mexico, those beautiful purple trees were everywhere! Hope you're having a great week!
Ha ha ha tell MOTH I like his joke and had not heard it before.
The rest of the photo's are wonderful. And what a beautiful cat.
"J" was a fun day....I'm really enjoying this ABC Wednesday! I hadn't heard the joke before!
Gorgeous tree. I wish we could grow that around here!
Nice one! I think I can even see a little smile on the face of Josie :-)
A great collection for ABC Wednesday! The weather here has taken a turn for the better and we were over in Scarborough on Sunday! I spotted Flamborough and as ever gave it a wave from you Chris!
Thanks so much for contributing!
denise (ABC Team)
Great choices for J, Chris.
I did not understand the joke because google translating is very odd.
Josie has beautiful green eyes for sure! Jacarandas are also in South Africa and another blogger who lives there is how I'd first learned of this gorgeous tree. Wonder if they would grow here??
Hi Chris nice to hear from you. You're husband's joke was a good morning smile. That jay is a lot different than the ones we have here.
Good post for "J" Chris. Jokes, I only understand them if in Spanish. lol Yeah, lame I know. je je je.
I vote for more of MOTH's jokes on your blog!
Love St. Patrick's prayer. Great blog, Chris!
Love the joke! Very funny. And Josie looks great too!
I groaned at the joke. Love the photos, especially the one of Josie. What a beautiful kitty. I don't think I've ever seen a Jacaranda trees, but would love to see one in person.
Beautiful blue bird and lilac tree - I wish we could grow jacaranda here!
The joke is funny, too. I didn't see that coming! LOL!
I had a big laugh at MOTH's joke. I had not heard it before.
I that that the blue Jay is a beautiful bird and if he is related to our blue jay, he is a nasty bird.
I have never seen such a lovely tree as the Jacaranda. It is beautiful!
Great pics. A groaner of a joke, the only kind I can remember!
That tree is just beautiful, I have never seen one like it. I hadn't heard the joke before either!Very Good!
Thanks Chris, a lovely post from start to finish. Wow, the colour of that Jay is amazing! x
The joke knocked my socks off!
I am afraid I am falling in love with your "grandcat"! :-) (brilliant word!)
Groan....great choices for the letter J. Love the pictures too.
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