Tuesday, February 1, 2011

C IS FOR....

What else is there?

Ah, but this chocolate is something special.  It is in fact a chocolate biscuit -- cookies, for we who are in the U.S.

If you should ever come to my house for a cup of tea or coffee, usually in the afternoon,  this is what you will be served:
I know it says 45% cocoa but isn't cocoa the same as chocolate?  
There is another packet of these that is 70% cocoa but I don't like them because they are not sweet enough. As it is, the 45% ones have only 130 calories each.  Of course you don't know how many I eat at one sitting, or how many packets I use in a week (or, while we're on the subject, how much sugar I put in my tea!).  There are only 12 cookies per packet.

My friends from church will be laughing if they see this, because I have a reputation for serving these.
You know I have said any number of times that I don't bake, not only because I  don't like to, or can't, but because if I do, Barry and I will scoff the lot and we certainly don't need that!

 When we went on our cruise, on the bus trip in Costa Rica , our tour guide showed us a cocoa pod:

Well it smelled like chocolate even if it doesn't look like it.

By the way, did you know that there are some orchids that smell like chocolate?  That's absolutely true, because I've seen them and smelled them.  Somebody knew that there are enough of us chocoholics out there to bother to create that.

Sorry, it's a terrible photograph, but it's the best I can do under the circumstances, which I will explain in a moment.

So here are the chocolate cookies.  Hmm... looks like there are a few missing from this plate.  Can't imagine what happened to those!

NOW.. the 'circumstances' mentioned above is one more 'C' which I hardly dare mention in this house.  We are on the point of going out to look for CARPET... and why don't I want to mention it?  Well,  we are biting the bullet and replacing carpet that carries the last vestiges of evidence of poor Bailey's CRIMES! 

For more ABC Wednesday, please visit  Mrs. Nesbitt's hardworking and highly successful blog by clicking on the link.  


Sara Katt said...

Meow Chris,
Chocolate is an excellent C-word. My two-legged mother loves it. But since both cats, and even dogs, don't have a special emzene (spelling?) in our tummies, we cannot eat it at all. In fact, it is deadly poison for us to ingest chocolate of any kind. Something you should know for Bailey's sake. (Sending purrs to Bailey, too)
Sara Cat
Sara Cat's ABCWedrd-8-C as in Cheshire Cat

Tumblewords: said...

Ah, yes, the lovely, wonderful, tasty chocolate! I love it, love it! And while a chocolate scented orchid might be nice, it'll never replace the real thing!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I love milk chocolate, not too sweet with lots of nuts.

My grandad used to grow cocoa trees.

claude said...

My husband likes very much the french cookies "Petit Ecolier" !

Roger Owen Green said...

i had some pretty bitter chocolate recently. gues i like the sweet stuff.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Ingrid said...

In all your C's listed I miss a CAT, lol !
ABC team

Gillian Mowbray said...

Ooh - can I come to your house for a cuppa?
Did you know there is a dahlia-like flower called the Chocolate Cosmos - it's become a garden favourite now here in the UK, it's dark brown/maroon in colour and yes - it does have a chocolatey fragrance!

Cheryl said...

Hi. I'm Cheryl and I'm a chocoholic. Gonna have to go find some for breakfast.

ABC Team

Carver said...

Great post! I am definitely a chocoholic.

Martha said...

Chocolate cookies, yes! I will be over for tea in a jiffy.

Autumn Leaves said...

Those are my favorite cookies, though I admit that I buy the milk chocolate version of them. I am not a fan of dark chocolate. Oddly enough, I am not a big fan of chocolate period, though I do occasionally want a bit. I'm like that with ice cream too. Have to be in the mood. Now that said, it is a completely different story when it comes to sugar. I just love it in all its form (cotton candy, circus peanuts, candy corn...)

snafu said...

Mmm chocolate! You may like to hear that some tests were made on the effects of cocoa butter on a test group a few years back and regular consumption was found to reduce the risk of heart problems on that test group, so remember this when looking at a plate of chocolate cookies. Of course the chocolate must contain a high cocoa butter content, which is often the 70% cocoa variety.

Kim, USA said...

Your chocolate looks yummy!! My grandfather in the Philippines used to plant Brazilian cocoa and I love the smell when after drying the seeds they grind it. Thanks for sharing and I appreciate your visit!
ABC Wednesday

Beverley Baird said...

Love chocolate as well! My favourite is lindor chocolate!
Great post for the week!

kaybee said...

Ok, so today I am 'homesick' for chocolate cookies and sunshine!

(the word verification is "choggies" -- chocolate and doggies!)

Unknown said...

Love your C for Chocolates, I never seen a cocoa seed pod, thought they were smaller than that.

I myself thought of snapping a picture of some chocolate candy that is til I couldn't find it just an empty wrapper...my guess that chocolate didn't want to be posted after all for the abc challenge and so I ended up settling for something else instead.

Leslie: said...

You are such a tease! lol Imagine coming by and finding photos of these delicious cookies that I have great difficulty passing by in the store. PLEEZ may I have one?


Vicki said...

Wonderful "C" post! I was smiling from beginning to end.

Unknown said...

Finally, I found chocolate on ABC Wednesday!! My favorite food group in any form I can find it! Thank you, thank you!
HelenMac, ABC Wednesday team

Anonymous said...

what fun! May I add "chocolate covered coffee beans"!