Monday, February 21, 2011



The new National Geographic came this week and on the front cover was a gorgeous photo of a fox.  I was so glad it is "F" week for ABC WEDNESDAY.  I spent an evening freehand drawing and coloring him.

Then today, I was going through some old papers and came across another photograph of a Fox, so I spent this evening working on him. Not quite so meticulous, as I was distracted by all the earthquake news in Christchurch on CNN. We have been there twice and recognized some of the buildings.

Our prayers and concern are for those people in New Zealand who are going through a night of terror for those not yet rescued.

Feel Free to visit ABC Wednesday to see some more Fantastic
blogs on the letter 'F'


photowannabe said...

My prayers go out to them too. Lived with earthquakes all my life, but still don't like them or get used to them.
Fantastic foxes Chris. You definitely have a way with art.

Autumn Leaves said...

Your foxes are adorable, Chris.

jabblog said...

Beautiful foxes, especially the second elegant fellow.
The Antipodes certainly seem to be experiencing harsh conditions recently.

MorningAJ said...

Gorgeous foxes Chris.

There's nothing that can be said about the earthquake really. It's an awful thing to happen anywhere.

snafu said...

I like your foxes, good 'F' post. Yes it must be really bad since many areas were still not recovered from the previous one and all the aftershcks.

Leslie: said...

I've always wanted to be able to draw/sketch, but there is no talent there. I sure appreciate your sharing yours, though! And yes, all our thoughts and prayers are of those in New Zealand right now. Have a fun-filled week, Chris!


EG CameraGirl said...

You draw so WELL!

Yes, the news out of Christchurch is so sad!

Roger Owen Green said...

foxy fox
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Sylvia K said...

I was just reading about the foxes in our National Geographic. It is so sad! Your drawings are lovely! Great post for the F Day! Hope your week is going well!

ABC Team

Rinkly Rimes said...

You captured the beauty and cleverness of the fox beautifully.

Wanda said...

Chris, you mentioned you had seen a fox on National Geo. and when I was in the airport to pick up Bethany, I saw the magazine on the rack, and knew this is what you were talking about.

Oh my you really captured the essence and the slyness. Great job. When we doing animals again in the art challenge, you will be ahead of the game.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love the fox image.

Fantastic F Take.

Hildred said...

Wonderful fox sketches, - I really admire them. My heart is with the people in Christ Church as well.

anthonynorth said...

Beautiful pictures.

Anonymous said...

The foxes are well drawn and colored just about perfect. I like both of them. I don't get National Geographic but still admire their photography. I quit it because something happened to the writers. The writing turned out to be awful like overnight and I just never renewed the subscription we had for decades. Like our daily newspaper went to pot and filled up with advertising and they quit their journalism and went to something I am not sure about. Their writers all retired or quit. And the newspaper left the heart of town and moved to a posh new building in the suburbs. It make me choke so after 47 years we quit taking it.

You know how the pound of coffee shrunk to so many ounces short of a pound? Their newspaper shrunk down in size so that now it is smaller than a tabloid newspaper. We used to have to have a cleared off kitchen table to open the newspaper and read it.Now you can move your plate from supper and open it in that space.

That's what happens to things when the companies still want to make riches for retiree investors and the president and screw the little guy who works there.

Anyway, my sermon is over. Thanks for the visit with the devil over at my place. lol

Gigi Ann said...

Your drawings of the foxes are Fabulous. Very talented.

Unknown said...

Your drawings are delightful! Thank you for a great F-day contribution,
and for visiting my "fine fettle" blog, Helen Mac, ABC WEdnesday Team

Vicki said...

Beautiful drawings Chris!

Johnny Nutcase said...

wow! great job - he's very handsome!

Jose said...

You are so talented. I love your drawings time and time again. I too feel for those in New Zealand, can't even begin to imagine what they are going through.

Martha said...

Your fox is fabulous! Made me think of Wanda's drawing blog though I have not been there is quite some time.

Prayers for New Zealand.

claude said...

Good choice for F, Chris !
We have a female fox stuffed. She is very beautiful.
I saw what it has happen in NZ. That is terrible for the city and people.
I love blue flowers. A day in America, we ate a cake with blue cream on it. Our months were blue too !

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

My prayers are with those in New Zealand too. So many disasters occuring lately.

Your fox pics are terrific! Makes me get the urge to get out my water colors again and start being creative. Have a good weekend Chris!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Oops...that last comment was from me, but I'm signed in on my dog's blog.

Ingrid said...

Very well done ! what a nice drawings !
I too saw these terrible pictures from New Zeeland and think of our blogfriends we have there !

Tumblewords: said...

Love the fox art! Oh, yes, much concern for the Christchurch trauma.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You are such a good artist.

Mona said...

Good job, good choice for f entry :) have time to see my entry, thanks.