Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Y  is for...
What else could it be but YEAR.  My husband went for his usual one hour walk this morning and said he could smell all the wonderful breakfast smells -- pancakes, bacon,  sausage etc.  It was about 11:00 a.m., so he figured all those who stayed up last night and didn't have to go to work today were having a wonderful start to the day.  Better than his bowl of raisin bran, he said!!

My Grandmother-in-law asked me on Sunday if I was going to stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve.  I had to tell her that I stay up until midnight every night! My most creative hours are from 9:00 p.m to 1:00 a.m.  So what was her next question?  "What time do you get up then?" My answer, "As late as I can."  Let me tell you, that is one of the greatest blessings of retirement. My husband isn't too happy about it.  He's of the old school, "Early to bed and early to rise..." When we go to Hawaii, there's three hours difference and I'm right on schedule. Hint...hint.

Here's my Y photograph -- another one from Lake Powell which I have been saving.

Isn't that perfect?  Just shows I was thinking of all you ABC-ers while I was out there enjoying myself.

While I was lying in bed this morning just letting my mind rove, as I frequently do, I wondered why we don't start the New Year on December 21st, the day after which all the days begin to get longer again.  Seems it would make sense.  So later I went to Wikipedia and then wished I hadn't.  I thought I would find some interesting facts about dates and years that I could add to today's blog.  But the only fact I could come up with that was reasonably understandable was that there are many different kinds of years with all different kinds of names. One of which is the Vague Year, which I thought was very appropriate when it comes to me discussing this topic.  

So if you want to know more about the different kinds of years, just look it up in Wikipedia -- or ask Roger, because I'll bet he knows.  In fact he may even have blogged on it this week.

To find Roger, and many other ABC-ers, click on this LINK and see what others have chosen for the letter Y .  In fact I'm wondering just how many of us have chosen YEAR for our word this week.


Leslie: said...

In my travels today, I did notice most people used the word "Year" but I love your photo of the Y-shaped rocks! I like going to bed around 10 or 11 but do sleep in until at least 8 or 9...I find I need my sleep! Happy New Year to you and your hubby!

abcw team

Carver said...

That's a fantastic shot. Happy New Year! Carver, ABC Wed. Team

Wanda said...

You did save the perfect "Y" picture.

Chris I'm still laughing reading about your sleep habits... You are my dearest are absolute twins of sleep.

I go to bed between 9 and 10 most every night.....my dearest however..Is the night owl you are and seldom comes to bed before 1 AM.

But...he doesn't sleep late most of the time he's up with me. Go figures..must not need much sleep.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful photography ~ Wow! ~ Great Y post ^_^

(A Creative Harbor aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^)

Roger Owen Green said...

Yes, there are different years - the Hebrew and Chinese calendar, to name 2.

Happy New Year!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I am on holidays, and I go to bed like you, and wake up late. What a life.

Janet said...

I'm like you. My best work is done late at night when all phones, TVs, doorbells have gone to bed!

Ann said...

Oh we are so alike on the creative hours. I'm usually up till 12:00--can't get the jucies to go to sleep. Have a good (whatever kind) it is!!!

photowannabe said...

Yup, My Hubby is the real night owl and is up most nights till 1AM. Of course he snoozes on the couch before he comes to bed...just resting, he says.
Me, I fold around 11 or 12.
Retirement has allowed us to sleep in till we want to get up. I love that.
Terrific post today and the Rock Y is just perfect.
Have a wonderful New Year what ever it is called..

Black Jack's Carol said...

Oh, Yes! A perfect "Y" photo. Just love it, and I enjoyed your commentary too. I'm in complete agreement about the freedom that retirement grants us to find our own time rhythms. The very best to you and yours, Chris, in 2013.

Alan Burnett said...

happy New Year Chris. I have to agree with you about the creativeness of late hours. I have an old friend who often tells me "You should never go to bed on the same day that you got up". Good advice, which, so far this year, I have managed to keep.

snafu said...

Nice Y picture. I can see why you took it : ) Yes there are lots of years, having worked in a radio astronomy station, I was familiar with the Sidereal year which allows you to find stars in the right places in the sky, which you would not do easily just using a calendar year, but that always confused people when I tried to explain.

Mike's Travels said...

Hi there :) Good to hear from you again. Love and prayers for a wonderful 2013. God bless :)

claude said...

Hello Chris !
HappY New Year !

Richard Lawry said...

Happy New Year!

An Arkies Musings