Friday, August 29, 2008

Update on Tree Rats

The tree rats were back tonight. Their days are numbered! Found a flea on Bailey. Could have come from the squirrels I know, but I will not have fleas in my house or on my cat!! We'll start with mothballs (for the rats, not the fleas!). They worked with the possums. I'll buy some



claude said...

Very nice drawing, Chris ! Before my husband go back to work we were sitting in the living room watching the news on the TV. Suddenly, I see something. It was a mouse. The door-window in open often and I think this litlle beasts come into home. My husband put a mousetrap in a corner of the room.

kaybee said...

Oh, Chris -- not nice. I'd rather have chipmunks than rats or mice on my bird feeder -- but maybe they are from the same family? We finally stopped filling the bird feeder as it was feeding everything in creation except the birds!!

I love your latest ATC -- so delicate and pretty. I really must try my hand at them again some day -- my problem is a lack of patience!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

fleas???!!! good luck!

Wanda said...

Chris ~~ have you considered designing wall paper??

I can see that on a wall with a complimenty color on the other walls.

You could have a designer retirement!!

Betty F said...

Good Luck with that Chris!

Mike's Travels said...

Garlic? Love the artwork.

Jose said...

Love the flowers, but hate the rats. Are you sure they even leave food for the birds?