Here it is with all its buds. I counted 37 in all!! The amaryllis I posted the other day now has two blooms. Fortunately our Jacaranda tree blooms later than most of the others round here. So we will still get to enjoy it when we get home.

My Mother's Day roses are still going strong. In the first photo here, I love the color. Call it apricot, peach, orange, salmon or whatever, I really like the color. Almost every room in my whole house is done in a pale shade of this color. In my kitchen , sage green is the accent color. I find that color is very important to me as I grow older (!) My husband says I can't tell the difference between blue and green, which is possible, because my father was color blind. Interestingly enough, I just discovered my sister also has the same trouble with blues and greens.

My father tells the story that he wanted so badly to be a pilot during the war, but he failed the test for color blindness. He then went home and memorized the color test booklet and went back to take the test again. But they skipped a page and caught him!

And that's about as active as he gets!!!
What a lovely bouquet of flowers. I am a sucker for roses, but that flower in the fist picture is pretty breath taking. I will follow Bailey's example and will lose some pounds too.
When is your cruise and where? I so want to take another one soon.
The flowers looked nice whatever their names were - and the cat too!
Thank you for the pleasant comment - I found that a short piece of history would be advisable. I'll send you an E.mail later on.
Beuatiful photos, Chris! I didn't know that story about dad, but I did know he was color-blind.
I feel about as energetic as Bailey right now - coming down with the flu, I think - but not the dreaded swine flu!
The first pic is what I would call Christmas Cactus..... this is what wikipedia has to say:
The common holiday cacti (Thanksgiving Cactus, Christmas Cactus, Easter Cactus) comprise several closely related species in the genus Schlumbergera and the species Hatiora gaertneri, often called Zygocactus in older works. They are originally forest cacti, growing as epiphytes at elevations between 1000 and 1700 meters (3300 to 5600 feet) above sea level in the Organ Mountains north of Rio de Janeiro in southeast Brazil, South America. They are called Flor de maio (May Flower) in Brazil.
I think Baily was just clearing that intruder off his property - he is looking good.....happy anniversary and enjoy the cruise!
Two things: I found out that the name of that red flower/cactus is Epiphylum or Orchid Cactus. The blooms are about 8 inches across and are actually much larger than the Christmas Cactus.
Also, I didn't realize I had the sound on for my video clip. Sorry about that. That's my husband on the phone in the background.
Lovely cactus flower aznd roses.
Beautiful photos, Chris !
I thin Baily does not sport enough. He must catch a true mouse.
Have a good and nice cruise.
Does Bailey still do his diet during you are not at home ?
What pretty flower pictures, and Bailey looks like he does not mind being on a diet, such a cute face. Hope you have a wonderful and safe cruise.
Your cactus looks like it going to put on quite a show.
Maybe my columbine is more periwinkle.
Really nice photographs, Chris, and the cat looks neat as a pin. I don't know the name of the blooming cactus.
Anniversary cruise? You meant a second honeymoon cruise. Have fun.
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