On Kay's last day with us we planned an expedition to San Dieguito Park. We had talked with the man at the bird shop here in Carlsbad and said we had heard some bluebirds were nesting on the hillside behind his store. He told us that unfortunately they had not stayed around but there were a good number down at San Dieguito Park about 20 minutes down the coast. Since Kay and I had never seen a blue bird and mainly remember them from the old song "Zippity- doo-dah" in an old, old Disney movie, we decided we would make a point of trying to find them.

So we set off armed with cameras, binoculars, drinks and chairs. We spent the first hour at the top half of the park and didn't see anything. So then we went down the hill to the other park entrance off El Camino Real. This area is more green and has a little stream running through it with trees and grassy areas. We were there less than ten minutes when we saw them. There were two or three. We were so pleased and so excited.

I was amazed at how blue they looked as they flew quite low over the grass and from tree to tree. Kay got the good photos and that was when I decided to exchange my camera for Barry's after we got home.

Unfortunately it was starting to get quite cold, so we couldn't stay as long as we wanted. But it was great to achieve our goal! I will go back again with Barry sometime soon.
The photo below is not too good because it was late afternoon and the light was going. We have a nest of wrens in among the bushes and the fledglings were making quite a noise as Mom (or Dad) kept arriving with food.

As I said, not a good photo, but at least you can see they were wrens! We had a beautiful Bullock's Oriole visit our water fountain last week, but by the time I got my camera he was gone. I have heard him a couple of times since, but no actual sightings.
I haven't seen a bluebird in years! Thanks for the reminder - looks like you 2 gals had a great time together....aah sisters!
What a great accomplishment that was!
But if you want to see just how eager my sister really was to find the bluebird, go to my blog!
What a lovely time with your sister.
Love all the pictures... Sorry I don't get around daily anymore.
Love and Hugs
I don't think I've ever seen a bluebird. Apparently the eastern bluebird is making a come back in the Toronto area so maybe I'll get my chance.
Chris, of course you can use the row boat picture. Thanks for asking.
The blue bird is very beautiful and I love th posture of the vren. This picture is not very clear but the photo is nice.
I really enjoy the birds. We have a birdbath outside the computer window so I get to watch them when I'm in here. Feeders and a humming bird feeder on the front porch...no tame crows, and I think I'm glad about that.
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