Friday, July 2, 2010

Wednesday's Words on....Friday???

Probably ought to do something on procrastination -- although it really wasn't procrastination that has made me so late with this blog.  We've had friends visiting all week, from Australia. Alan and Kerian left our conference in Brazil and decided to 'do' the United States while they were up this end of the world.  We've had a wonderful time but blogging has not been #1 on my list of things to do.  So here's my words, finally.

"... all that Jesus began both to do and teach..."  ACTS1:1
My new summer Bible Study begins next week and we will be studying the book of the Acts of the Apostles.  This short phrase from verse one is quite significant because of the word 'began'.  When Jesus left this earth and rose up into heaven, His work wasn't over.  He began to 'do and teach'  up until that point in time but that was only the beginning.  It was the disciples or apostles who were to continue His work and this is what the Book of Acts is all about -- what Jesus continued to do through the lives of His apostles. Even after the Acts of the Apostles was written that wasn't the end of Jesus' acts.  He continued, and continues today, to 'teach' and 'do' through the Holy Spirit controlling Christians' lives and actions.  God is expecting us as Christians to take up the reins of His work here on earth and do good in His Name.  Jesus "went about doing good".  If we call ourselves Christians, isn't that the least we can do in His Name?


Wanda said...

To great words. My last story in VBS was on Philip....Go and tell~

Continue the work.....

You should have heard those kids sing, "I'll tell the world that I'm a Christian....."

Autumn Leaves said...

It is when I step outside of God's will that I really suffer...'Course, I don't do it intentionally, but I sure do it. Acts indeed! Love when you post these Chris. My own bit of daily bread.

kaybee said...

A Good Word, Chris.

Glad you had special times with Alan and Kerian. If they are still around, please give them my regards. Kerian was once my 'room-mate' for a week - do you remember?

Cherdecor said...

It seems like in most churches today, those two words have been lost. Great post!

Mike's Travels said...

Yes. And 'greater' things you will do... it's a challenge.

Mountain Mama said...

Hello. I found you over at Abraham Lincoln's blog and read about the vertigo. I have been troubled with it too but had so many different diagnosis that I'm not really positive what caused it.
I had a nasty virus just before the vertigo attacks started and they were horrible. It felt like I was falling off the earth and spinning for about an hour at a time. I only had about five or six of these really bad attacks but still have small ones a lot. One doctor told me that there was a virus going around about the time I had mine that was causing nerve damage to the middle ear and people were having some bad vertico attacks so I really think that's what happened.
It wopuld be interesting to compare notes with you.