Monday, January 24, 2011


I am just entering my 5th year of blogging.

Last week I was asked to speak for 5-6 minutes about  my blog.  It was a couples club at church and the program was for about 10 people to display their hobbies.  I was specifically asked to talk about my blog.  This was quite a challenge believe me because although there were 130 people there almost all of them were retired.  When I asked how many people know what a blog is, maybe 25% of them raised their hand.

So to try to explain the concept of the internet and blogging in 5 or 6 minutes to the majority of people who know very little about computers was more than a challenge -- never mind getting down to what I do on my blog.

I decided to go for the simplest, though not too accurate an  explanation and that was to describe the internet as being like an enormous magazine with thousands upon thousands of pages.  Then I said that blogs were like a large section of pages within the magazine.  Then I told them that I own one page and that's my blog.  I also told them a bit about the kinds of things I put on my blog.  Many had no idea you could put pictures on a blog.

They asked me to tell why I blog.  I explained that I originally started because I wanted to keep my writing skills sharp.  Most of the people there know I have written several books, so they could identify with that.  But there are much larger answers to that question now, although I didn't have time to go into them then.

But I did have these to demonstrate:  My Blog Books!

My Blogs 2007

My Blogs 2008

My Blogs 2009

COMING SOON  --                                MY BLOGS 2010

That certainly made a difference.  Many people looked at my blog books.  I'm wondering how many of them wanted to see what the Pastor's wife had been up to for the past few years  :) !!

Each year I have the past year's blogs made up into a book through BLOG2PRINT.  It is my husband who is urging me to do this.  He likes my writing and my photographs.
When I was a teenager I kept a diary every day for 8 years.  Now my Blog Books are like an illustrated journal.
For me as a pastor's wife, who can't sing and can't play the piano, isn't a good cook and isn't very comfortable in social situations, (the usual requirements),  it is some comfort to know that I CAN write.
I don't mean to infer that I am a brilliant writer, but I can usually make myself understood.

So now I just have to get down to ordering my 2010 Blog Book before my computer crashes.


Autumn Leaves said...

What an awesome record of the years, Chris. And we must get that stereotype of pastor's wives out of your head! LOL

jabblog said...

Wonderful! I'm sure you've inspired some others to start blogging.
Making blog books is something I intend to do - some time . . .

The Weaver of Grass said...

Yes, that is a good idea. I started out copying my blog but gave up some time ago.

Elizabeth said...

Wow, 5 years blogging is some achievement. Well done, Chris. I love the idea and look of those blog books - what a superb memento. x

Sylvia K said...

This is just great! You're the second one today that has written about publishing a blog book! I didn't know about it and now I'm excited about doing some of mine for my kids! Great post for the B Day! I love it!

ABC Team

Wanda said...

Chris ~ Love your blog books... I share mine on my "B" post today too.

I'm going to get my other years published too.

snafu said...

Five years – does that make you a veteran blogger?
Interesting talk, how many people wanted to try blogging after your talk?

photowannabe said...

The internet and blogging are really hard to explain. The Blog2Print was a good explaination. I hope some of those that heard your talk will attempt it themselves. I've printed 2008 and 2009. I'm soon ready to have 2010 printed too.

Tumblewords: said...

Excellent post! I spoke to a small group some time back about blogs and enjoyed it so much! But I doubt I'd do it again. Good for you and for keeping your blog in books!

Roger Owen Green said...

My wife doesn't read my blog, but a few of my friends do, and quite a few people I never met, which is astonishing. You've had a good run so far. BTW, for me yt's 5 years, 8 months, 3 weeks.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Verna Luga said...

wow, such a great idea... blog book.. I never thought about this... great!
ABC Wed Here

Cheryl said...

What a great story, Chris. You are more than what you write. You are a beautiful soul.

ABC Team

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh wow, those are very nice remembrance!


B for Broken Plate, come and see.

Chubskulit Rose said...

How much does it cost? If you don't mind me asking... Thanks

ChrisJ said...

SNAFU: Considering the majority of them are not computer literate - and many are computer-phobic (if there is such a word), I had probably a dozen who asked for my URL, which I had printed up already on business cards and a lot asked me if I would put my blog books in the church library so they can read them. I don't think I'll do that, they would get too much wear and tear, but I may display them at one of the next meetings if the requests persist. Many of those who do use the computer only use it for e-mail. Don't forget the average age there was in their seventies.

CHUBSKULIT: The cost varies according to the number of pages you want to include. Go to blog2print and it is all spelled out there in detail.

Ingrid said...

I too am in my 5th year I will have my anniversary in June !
It's quiet nice to know that retired people are not better in Canada than here in Belgium. I have tried to explain what a blog is, and nobody understood, or only very few. I gave it up and avoid the theme, lol !
These books are great. I just tried to prepare one with the help of Blurb. But it doesn't go very quick ! Maybe I should try your link.
ABC team

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

good job, you are an inspiration to your congregation.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Do you publish all your posts?

Gigi Ann said...

That is a nice choice for B, blogging. It never entered my mind. I like your idea of a blog book, however, I started my blogs to get away from keeping a journal. I was running out of shelf space.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

claude said...

Hello Chris !
Good choice for B !
Good idea about your blog books.
I began my blog in september 2006my blog and I post almost everyday. If I ought to publish a book per year, a lot of paper and inkcartridges will be necessary.

Vicki said...

As my children would say ... "How cool"! What you came up with for explaining your blog was very creative. Good job Chris! I also learned something. I'll have to check into BLOG2PRINT.

Martha said...

My blog just turned five years old this month. I was hesitant to write at first but find it an absolutely wonderful hobby. I used to print out my blog pages myself but now I am so far behind I will never catch up. When I get my bills paid off maybe I'll start having them printed.

Anonymous said...

I think it is a good idea. Patty and I began a long time ago and never had any books made. You seem to have it down pat. Nice post.

Leslie: said...

Great idea! I should do that, too, since I've been blogging since 2005!

ABCW Team :D

Unknown said...

Crhis this B is the best B yet that I had seen of today, I was over at Wanda's she also posted a Blog book, I never ever even heard of a Blog book until I she posted it.

I like you explanation what is a blog.

Francisca said...

What great ideas, first to print, then to bring your blog books to the talk. 5-6 minutes seems impossible for the task, so kudos that you managed it. Happy to hear you recognize that we can't all be good at everything and that you have special talents. Cheers to no PC crashes!