Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Three islands beginning with  A...

Ancapa Islands about 12 miles off Los Angeles

They are a part of the Channel Islands  that are quite easy to reach by boat or you can take a ferry, usually from Santa Barbara. Anacapa is quite high as local islands go, with a large flat, grassy area, great views and TONS of birds.  No one lives on the islands except the Ranger.  We visited there many years ago with our two sons.  The cliffs are spectacular.  You have to pack everything in -- and out.  Be sure to take a hat, not only for the obvious reasons with so many birds wheeling about, but they can also be a bit snappish especially in the spring, dive-bombing you to take a piece of your scalp.  They're only being protective.

The Abacos in the Bahamas.

 Beautiful green, warm water and sandy beaches.  The perfect vacation place.  There is at least one small town, Hope, which boasts a snazzy looking lighthouse.  You remember the youngster on the west coast who last year stole a plane and flew out to the Bahamas?  I think he crash-landed in the water as I remember.  They called him the Barefoot Bandit.  This was where he ended up having been on the run for two years before being taken off to jail for stealing planes, boats and cars and breaking and entering.

Then there's Alcatraz  in the San Francisco Bay.

Once notorious as a prison and featured in some movies. It is only 1.5 miles from shore, surrounded by cold and often rough waters, which would discourage prison breaks -- even if you could swim 1.5 miles. Today, it is a park and offers tours and a ferry service.  I've never been there, not as a visitor or a prisoner!

THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF A NEW SEASON OF ABC WEDNESDAY, INITIATED BY MRS. NESBITT who, incidentally lives not many miles north of my beloved Flamborough in Yorkshire, UK. My new banner photo is of some of the caves at Flamborough.

Click on the widget in the side bar or here to see the many more entries in this fun project which is now entering its EIGHTH round.


Wanda said...

I like your choices Chris. I have been on a tour of Alcatraz years ago, right after the movie with Clint Eastwood was released.

It was very interesting!!

Because of Theme Tuesday, I won't be posting my ABC Wed until later tonight.

Sylvia K said...

Great choices for the A Day, Chris! I, too have been to Alcatraz -- as a visitor, but it was years ago! I love the colors on Abacos and even foggy Ancapa looks like an interesting place. Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


Leslie: said...

These are great for today! I've been to Alcatraz and found it absolutely fascinating! Of course, that Bahamian island would be a nice spot for rest and relaxation. :D

ABC Team

Amanda said...

Of the 3 I like the look of The Abacos best!

photowannabe said...

Come and visit us. We'll take you to Alcatraz for a tour. Its really interesting to see.
Great post of the 3 islands Chris.

Roger Owen Green said...

I'll take the one with the azure water!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Vicki said...

Great choices for "A". I have been to Abacos and hope to visit there again this year. It is truly a beautiful place. Also, I like your new background.
Have a good week!

Halie said...

Great choices for the start of ABC Wednesday.

I really want to see Alcatraz... I find it mysterious and intriguing.

ABC Wednesday Team

Tumblewords: said...

Great choice of A's. Each one different and yet with similarities. I fished around the Channel Islands and thought they were absolutely fascinating! Your photos are superb.

Unknown said...

I also been to Alcatraz back in 1974 it was a fun place to visit and sort of creepy too.

Great choices for the A..

The first picture of the three islands looks like a cool place to visit however I think I would bring along a hard hat myself. lol

ChrisJ said...

I should have said on my blog that the photos of Anacapa and Alcatraz are courtesy of Wikipedia and the Abacos one was taken by my son last year.

Ingrid said...

I have been in Alcatraz as a visitor of course, lol !
what a terrible place !

Autumn Leaves said...

Gorgeous Flamborough caves, beautiful 'A' islands, and stunning Bahamian waters. I just want to swim in those! Maybe someday...

snafu said...

Interesting - A is for Island, nice twist. I like your new banner picture. As you say, once seen never forgotten. I expect Kaybee has sent you those old black and white ones of us all on the beach there. If not let me know I will send them.

Martha said...

I have been to California just once and chanced to spy the Rock as we headed for the Bay Bridge.

Your island collection reminded me a bit of the group that went out for a "three hour tour..." aboard the Minnow.

Beverley Baird said...

Quite different islands! Would not want to be sti\uck on Alcatraz! Did you see Birdman of Alcatraz or the Rock - 2 great movies!

claude said...

Very good choice, Chris !
I sould like to go on the island under the coconuttrees.
The painting with popies are very beautiful.

jabblog said...

Beautiful islands, apart from Alcatraz, which looks grim.
I like your new header :-)

mrsnesbitt said...

You know Chris, everytime we go to Bridlington, and pass Flamborough I always give a wave for you! Will be March before we get the bike out me thinks!Still frosty here